Male Liposuction

Introduction Male Liposuction Of The Abdomen

Male liposuction is unique to the body contouring arena as it allows men to achieve a much more defined appearance than previously possible with traditional liposuction. The more defined look best describes the chiseled abdomen as depicted by the creation of a six-pack. This level of contouring was not possible even a few years ago. To achieve the six-pack appearance, the muscle highlights must be created by defining the gulleys around the muscle, including the inscriptions oriented horizontally, linea alba oriented vertically and located centrally, and semilunar lines oriented vertically and located laterally.

In addition to the rectus muscles, lateral accessory abdominal muscles can also be sculpted, including the external oblique and serratus muscles. This liposuction procedure removes fat deposits much like a sculptor would unveil muscle highlights and natural shadows. 4D liposuction has been coined to describe the sculpting of these muscles in the static mode and, while in motion, termed the dynamic mode. A final component of male liposuction is the removal of fat cells from the lower back and flanks to eliminate love handles.

Integral to achieving high definition male liposuction is the ability to remove fat cells comprehensively and selectively to create three-dimensional shapes of muscles and natural highlights. More rigorous removal of fat during cosmetic procedures is feasible with the use of VASER technology. VASER utilizes ultrasound waves that allow your fat cells to be melted before removal. When fat is removed comprehensively, skin redundancy becomes a concern and must be addressed. Even at the initial consultation, male patients are evaluated for the degree and distribution of excess fat and the amount of excess skin and texture changes.

The degree of skin redundancy is graded using SurgiSculpt's High Definition Liposuction Body Scale to determine the best course of action. For minimal skin redundancy, VASER liposuction alone can help accommodate skin redundancies by a process called skin retraction.  Renuvion J plasma may be used in cosmetic surgeries to reduce skin laxity when there is moderate skin redundancy. Renuvion J plasma allows for a reduction in skin redundancy using a minimally invasive wand. The wand is introduced through the same portholes used for liposuction, thus avoiding additional incision lines. J plasma tightens skin by thermal heating of collagen molecules located under the skin and the soft tissues. Finally, when moderate to extensive excess skin is present, strategic skin excisions may be necessary.

Skin excision and liposuction treatment may be advocated in the abdomen for moderate to severe skin excess. This incision is placed strategically in the lower abdominal region at the pubic level so that it is not visible even when wearing undergarments or swimming trunks. The length of excision and scope of excision are determined on an individual basis. A mini tummy tuck may be advocated for moderate excess skin localized to the lower abdomen. For moderate to severe skin redundancy that extends to above the belly button,  a modified abdominal skin resection may be advocated that allows for maximal elimination of skin redundancy.

SurgiSculpt developed the modified abdominal skin resection to allow for maximal skin removal while affording our surgeons the luxury of performing high definition liposuction of the entire abdomen. Finally, the abdominal incision can be extended around your back, termed a lateral thigh tuck, for patients whose skin redundancy spans beyond the abdomen and wraps onto the lower back. These patients are often unable to maintain a healthy weight and possess fat tissue over the lower back and flanks. The surgical procedure to eliminate love handles requires either tumescent liposuction with VASER and Renuvion J plasma when skin elasticity is present or a lateral thigh tuck when skin excess is extensive.

Male liposuction of the abdomen has witnessed a major advancement from traditional liposuction techniques and allows for stunning results with the creation of an abdomen that mimics a superhero physique. Abdominal etching is often performed synchronously with the creation of a complementing armor plate chest appearance. Patients undergoing male abdominal liposuction will appreciate major transformation and a dramatic change in their lifestyle.

Male Liposuction Procedure

Male abdominal liposuction surgery requires the creation of a masculinized male abdomen that is depicted by muscle highlights and a six-pack using advanced liposuction techniques. It also requires the elimination of the love handles located over the lower back and flanks. Finally, it involves improving the contour of the chest with either gynecomastia surgery or the creation of the armored plate chest appearance that Surgiculpt has developed. These are the three primary areas of male body sculpting benefits of liposuction. Following an initial consultation with one of our SurgicSculpt expert surgeons, good candidates for liposuction are identified. In addition to liposuction, you will be provided a road map to achieve a toned body void of loose skin. Skin tone and fat deposits must be accounted for to achieve high definition male liposuction results.

Male liposuction surgery length

Male liposuction surgery can be performed in as little as 2 hours and as long as 5 hours, depending on whether the creation of six-pack muscles requires accommodation of skin redundancy or whether fat reduction techniques alone will suffice. Surgical time might be more prolonged in patients needing an extension of skin excisions around the back called a lateral thigh tuck.

Male Liposuction Anesthesia

Male liposuction anesthesia typically requires general anesthesia due to discomfort associated with the removal of fat comprehensively rather than partial fatty tissue removal performed with traditional tumescent solution liposuction. This is because scraping of fatty deposits from the muscles where there is more innervation is required.

Male Liposuction Place of Treatment

Male liposuction can only be performed in a surgical suite because general anesthesia is required.

Male Liposuction Side Effects

Residual contour irregularities may persist, such as a protruding belly if you have generous belly fat. This is the fat in your gut, called visceral fat, that is not amenable to removal with cosmetic surgery. If you have a protruding belly, you may wish to enroll in BeatIR synchronously with your male liposuction procedure.

Male Liposuction Recovery

Male liposuction surgery patients will routinely require one week of recovery time.  They will be allowed to drive when they are off of their oral pain medications. Patients can return to regular exercise within two weeks of surgery.

Male Liposuction Duration of Outcomes

Male abdominal liposuction surgery will traditionally provide permanent results if patients do not undergo major weight gain. They will enjoy a more youthful physique and highlights of muscular appearance that will improve their overall lifestyle.

Male Liposuction Frequently Asked Questions:

This surgery refers to an advancement in surgical algorithms wherein the male tummy is made more masculine and chiseled in appearance significantly more advanced than traditional abdominal liposuction surgery.

You are a good candidate for male abdominal liposuction surgery if you are desiring a more chiseled abdominal appearance to achieve a six-pack.

The most common concern following male abdominal liposuction surgery is contour irregularities related to skin redundancy. All efforts are made to ensure that skin redundancy will be eliminated by either tucking of the abdominal skin as well as minimally invasive skin tightening with Renuvion J plasma. Rarely may patients require revision surgery to excise any residual redundancy.

First, your abdomen will be examined to check the degree of fat excess, skin redundancy, and muscle integrity that will guide your customized surgical plan. In addition, your health status will be evaluated, and your laboratory values will be checked. Your nutrition will also be optimized to prepare you for surgery.

Male abdominal liposuction surgery is performed using VASER ultrasound-assisted liposuction that allows for not only comprehensive removal of fat but also selective removal of fat to allow for the creation of muscle highlights.

Male abdominal liposuction surgery recovery is tolerable with minimal to moderate pain. Patients will be dressed in customized compression garments. Although the garments are worn for two weeks, patients are encouraged to return to the gym and full physical activity at four weeks.

Male abdominal liposuction surgery utilizes small port size incisions measuring 3mm that are well hidden in the pubic region, belly button, and in the crease below the chest.

There are negligible scars following male abdominal liposuction surgery since the resection of skin most patients require only small port holes.

You can typically return home following male abdominal liposuction surgery unless more extensive surgeries are being performed synchronously.

Male Liposuction Patient-Specific Questions:

Since fat removal is so comprehensive following abdominal liposuction surgery, weight gain will not result in significant contour changes.

Since an incisions are limited typically to port sites, men are expected to return to routine daily physical activities within 10 days

You will notice the improvement in your abdominal appearance right away following male abdominal liposuction surgery. You will notice a total transformation of your abdominals even the day after surgery but will observe generalized swelling set in at 1 week that will resolve after 1 month following surgery.

Some studies have estimated that as many as 60-70% of males have gynecomastia. This condition is particularly common in newborns, adolescents, and older men. Males from these age groups have an exceptionally high frequency of gynecomastia due to drastic hormone fluctuations. An abnormal ratio of estrogens to testosterone in the body affects the growth of tissue in the breast region.

The technique of gynecomastia surgery that you will require depends on the degree of redundant breast fat, glandular tissue, and skin that you have. Patients with firm skin, minimal glandular tissue, and excess fat may require liposuction only. However, most patients do present with excess glandular tissue and thus will require a combination of liposuction as well as direct excision of the glandular tissue underlying the nipple and areola complex. Less often, patients with extensive redundant skin and sagging breasts, may require direct excision of the breast skin, fat, and glandular tissue. In these patients, the nipple areola complex must be replaced as a skin graft.

When liposuction and/or direct excision of the glandular tissue is required, surgical incisions are limited and scarring not typically a concern. In contrast, when direct excision of the breast skin, fat, and glandular tissue is required, patients must be counselled about the surgical scars that will ensue. These scars are placed appropriately to mimic an “armor plate” and surgical incisions are repaired using meticulous technique. Although these scars typically remain red for a few months, they will eventually fade into thin white lines.

Since gynecomastia is usually not detrimental to a patient’s physical health, gynecomastia surgery is typically not covered by insurance companies. However, coverage policies may vary and in rare cases when it is documented that the enlarged breasts have resulted in psychological trauma to the patient, your plastic surgeon will help determine if insurance coverage is attainable.



I came into the office office for botox and Juvederm with my best friend.The Dr was very knowledgeable and made me feel comfortable. Both procedures were pain free and the results were amazing and subtle. I have been getting lots of compliments about how refreshed I look. Will definitely be recommending him to all my friends!!

Breast Reconstruction Following Mastectomy

I've had several procedures with the doctorfollowing my mastectomy. The entire staff is great, especially both massage therapists (Theresa and Polly) as well as James. I am going to do nipple tattooing with them as well and then I will finally be all done! I couldn't be happier to have found you and close this chapter of my life.

Awesome experience

Awesome experience! the doctor knew exactly what I wanted and everything I asked for was perfect! Easy to work with, great results. With this type of procedure, you need a good listener, You are a great listener.

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