High Definition Liposuction

High Definition Liposuction Patient Gallery

Introduction to High Definition Liposuction

High Definition Liposuction is a surgical procedure that uses cutting-edge technology to remove fat cells. Utilizing VASER lipo technology and Renuvion J Plasma, we achieve jaw-dropping results. Most other surgeons can't produce high-def lipo results as we can. Our procedure removes two layers of fat. This is what creates high definition liposuction.

We expose and define the muscle tones, create natural shadows, and make your body "pop" by circumferentially sculpting you, termed 360 lipo!

arm countour




back contouring


brazilian lift




lipo revision


What is High Definition Liposuction? (High-Def Lipo)

High Definition liposuction is an advanced body sculpting procedure that can dramatically improve body contouring outcomes by comprehensively reducing pockets of fat, eliminating skin redundancy, and utilizing fat transfer selectively for dramatic effect. A trained surgeon will utilize VASER technology to comprehensively remove pockets of fat that were previously intangible to the traditional liposuction provider. The combination of comprehensive fat removal and skin tightening is critical to achieving superior contouring results.

The SurgiSculpt® high definition liposuction body scale and surgical algorithm dictate whether the redundant skin is tightened with a minimally invasive Renuvion technology or a more invasive simultaneous tucking procedure. The contouring improvements achieved with high definition liposuction are revolutionary, as depicted by numerous before and after results and patient reviews acknowledging superior outcomes. Mastery of VASER liposuction and employing the High Definition Liposuction Body Scale ensures plastic surgeons achieve truly transformative results. Hi-def lipo is predicated on cosmetic surgery that optimizes removing all fat layers and eliminating excess skin from the entire body to achieve a sculpted body. Layers of fat include the deep layer that lies over the muscle, the superficial layer that extends up to the skin, and the subdermal layer lying right under the skin.

A consultation with an experience VASER liposuction specialist is critical to appreciating the specific gains achievable and the expectations of your surgeon to maintain your gains. First, a medical history must be completed to ensure your safety. Second, an inventory of the fatty tissue stock and its distribution must be made. Second, the advantage of ultrasonic liposuction versus alternative forms of liposuction, such as standard liposuction or laser liposuction, must be had. The advantages of VASER high-definition liposuction include the ability to remove fat comprehensively, resulting in the unveiling of muscular definition. For men, abdominal etching is a high priority and describes the ability to create muscle definition.

VASER high-definition liposuction also maximizes the effectiveness of Renuvion J plasma, which will eliminate skin elasticity by thermal shrink wrap of all collagenous fibers in and under the skin. By undergoing VASER high-definition liposuction, ultrasonic energy will maximize the removal of fat from connective tissue so that the J plasma can most effectively treat exposed collagen molecules. Elimination of fat excess and skin redundancy is the mainstay of Hi-def liposuction. Next, a surgical design must be created to enumerate the cosmetic procedures employed to achieve your goals following hi-def liposuction. Finally, postoperative expectations following your outpatient procedure must be discussed, including completing serial lymphatic messages and taking measures to secure adequate recovery time. VASER high-definition liposuction involves liquefaction of your fat layers.

Even though the undesired fat is removed comprehensively, the residual liquified fat must be drained with lymphatic messages to avoid the creation of contour irregularities. Lymphatic messages are even more critical for patients who undergo abdominal etching, where the detail of muscle forms can only be preserved by removing liquified fat that may accumulate in the gulleys between muscle bellies. HD lipo requires the elimination of fat not only comprehensively with VASER lipo but also circumferentially. When fat is removed circumferentially using VASER lipo, it is important to make arrangements to get your rest. Hi-def liposuction is clearly a serious commitment that should be respected as a milestone in your life.

High Definition Liposuction (HDL) Body Scale

The number one factor in creating transformative body contouring results is understanding human physiology and the balance between excess fat and skin redundancy. By employing the HDL Body Scale, each patient is given a starting point score (out of 10) at their initial consultation. That starting score will determine the surgical plan necessary to get every patient to attain a near-perfect 9 to 10 HDL body score.

HDL Body Score Description Treatment Plan
9-10 Denotes near perfection or a TRUE high definition liposuction result
7-8 Minimal to moderate fat excess, Tight skin, Excellent texture of the skin Vaser Liposuction only
5-7 Minimal to moderate fat excess, Minimally loose skin, Good texture of the skin Vaser Liposuction and Renuvion Skin tightening
4-5 Moderate to severe fat excess, Moderate loose skin, Localized poor texture of the skin Vaser Liposuction and Mini Tucking Procedure
2-4 Moderate to severe fat excess, Severe skin redundancy, Diffusely poor textured skin Staged: Full tucking procedure followed by Vaser Liposuction

High-Def Lipo Overview:


  • High Definition Liposuction refers to the ability to dramatically improve body contouring outcomes using VASER technology to comprehensively remove all fat and a skin tightening procedure when skin loosens.
  • Combining comprehensive fat removal with skin tightening is critical to achieving superior contouring results.
  • The High definition liposuction protocol dictates whether the redundant skin is tightened with either a minimally invasive
  • Renuvion technology or more invasive simultaneous tucking procedures. The contouring improvements achieved with high definition liposuction are revolutionary, as depicted by numerous before and after results and patient reviews acknowledging superior body contouring outcomes.
  • Mastery of VASER High Definition liposuction and patient selection ensures truly transformative results.


high definition liposuction Description:

  • Procedure: Optimal elimination of excess fat and redundant skin that may have accumulated over the abdomen, flanks, back, waistline, breasts, arms, medial thighs, lateral thighs, and neck.
  • Length:1 to 6 hours, dependent on the number of areas treated, degree of excess fat, and severity of skin redundancy.
  • Anesthesia: General anesthesia.
  • Place of Treatment: Outpatient surgical suite or hospital operating room.

HD Lipo Side Effects:

  • Bruising may follow any type of liposuction, including high definition liposuction, as there is trauma to the fatty layer that houses vascular structures. Leakage of blood from these vessels may result in localized bruising. This risk is minimized with the use of the Vaser technology, which minimizes trauma to vessels and nerves. Patient bruising is also minimized with customized foam inlay compression garments that provide light pressure to minimize oozing from the vessels.
  • Prolonged swelling for up to 3 months may occur infrequently if the patient has poor lymphatic drainage or poor nutrition. Lymphatic drainage is encouraged with serial lymphatic massages, body wraps, and external ultrasound/radiofrequency treatments provided in the early postoperative period (1st10 days) to avoid prolonged swelling in most patients. Patients should also intake 150 mg of protein daily in preparation for surgery. Increased protein intake results in increased albumin protein in the bloodstream that protects vessels from leaking.
  • Seroma formation refers to the accumulation of plasma fluid in pockets created by the surgical elevation of the soft tissue. This fluid accumulates due to a low blood count and protein deficiency. This fluid can be a nuisance to patients since it can require several aspirations in the office before resolution. These fluid pockets if present, are identified during your serial lymphatic messages and should be removed promptly.


high definition lipo Risks:

Fat emboli may occur following liposuction, referring to fat cells that enter the bloodstream. If enough fat volume enters a blood vessel (typically a vein) and then travels up to the heart or lungs, the fat can clog up the critical vasculature resulting in serious harm. This risk is minimized using various maneuvers, including 1) intimate knowledge of underlying anatomy (larger vessels are mapped out to avoid inadvertent entry). 2) use of a portable ultrasound to get a real-time view of the underlying structures so that trauma to vessels is avoided. 3) avoidance of fat grafting in muscles that are in proximity to large vessels.

Skin compromise may occur following high definition liposuction, especially in patients with diabetes or those with immune deficiency. Diabetes and nutritional deficiencies are largely to blame for the healing difficulty observed in these patients. All attempts are made to correct any medical and nutritional deficiencies before surgery. Finally, if skin compromise is detected intra-operatively, less aggressive liposuction is employed to minimize skin trauma. The affected areas are treated immediately with Nitro paste to encourage increased vascular flow.

Recovery: The recovery for high definition liposuction may be variable requiring as little as 1 to 2 weeks, depending on your pain tolerance. Routinely, patients are encouraged to return to the gym with full physical activity resumed no later than 2 to 3 weeks following surgery.

Duration of Results: Patients are universally pleased with high definition liposuction results as the body contouring transformations are "jaw-dropping." Patients are expected to preserve their results by maintaining an active lifestyle and weight.

High Definition Liposuction - Frequently Asked Questions:

High definition liposuction involves a customized algorithm and surgical plan to maximize the removal of excess fat and eliminate skin redundancy to maximize contouring outcomes. Comprehensive removal of fat is achieved using Vaser technology. The technique for skin removal is based on the degree of skin redundancy. It may involve VASER skin retraction (minimal skin redundancy), Renuvion J plasma (minimal to moderate skin redundancy), and/or skin tucking (moderate to severe skin redundancy).

Patients suffering from excess fat and/or skin redundancy will benefit from HD liposuction. During your initial consultation, you will receive a customized surgical plan to address your concerns and ensure that your results are transformative.

Several measures are critical to preparing for your Hi-Def Lipo procedure. The first requires optimizing your nutrition. This will require an intake of 150 grams of protein daily. In order to achieve this, protein shakes may be considered between meals. In addition, patients are asked to avoid all foods/supplements/vitamins that contain blood thinners. This includes all Aspirin products as well as fish oil/omega-3 fatty acids/Ginko Biloba. Finally, ANY and ALL smoking must be stopped to eliminate Nicotine from your body; this includes avoiding vaporizers, gums, and patches. All of the above measures must be initiated at least one month prior to surgery.

Several measures are critical to preparing for your Hi-Def Lipo procedure. The first requires optimizing your nutrition. This will require an intake of 150 grams of protein daily. To achieve this, protein shakes may be considered between meals. In addition, patients are asked to avoid all foods/supplements/vitamins that contain blood thinners. This includes all Aspirin products, fish oil/omega-3 fatty acids/Ginko Biloba. Finally, smoking must be stopped to eliminate Nicotine from your body; this includes avoiding vaporizers, gums, and patches. The above measures must be initiated at least one month before surgery.

HD liposuction allows prospective patients to attain "jaw-dropping" contouring results. Patients will appreciate circumferential contouring results that will impress ALL onlookers. For men, it will mean chiseled abdominal muscles, bold armor plate chest, and elimination of love handles, resulting in a "V" shaped back. Women will have a lean abdominal contour, an exaggerated waistline curve, and an exaggerated lower back and buttocks differential.

Your HD liposuction will be performed at one of our accredited surgery centers. Since the fat is removed comprehensively, it requires scraping of the fat off of the muscles, which can be painful if awake. Patients are provided general anesthesia to alleviate pain in an accredited state-of-the-art surgical center.

Your HD liposuction will be performed while you are comfortable under general anesthesia. General anesthesia is recommended to patients since the etching of your underlying muscles can be painful. This is because the sensory nerves (which produce a pain signal) are at their highest density in the muscle layers.

When you wake up from surgery, you will find yourself wrapped in a customized compression garment with a foam inlay. This foam will minimize pain and limit swelling and bruising in the treated areas. You will be expected to wear this garment for a minimum of two weeks.

Depending on their pain tolerance, patients who undergo HD liposuction will return to work between ten days and two weeks following surgery. When only Vaser liposuction is performed, patients may return to work as early as ten days following surgery and, two weeks after, be at the gym working out. If a tucking procedure is required to supplement skin tightening, patients are recommended to delay their return to work to 2 - 3 weeks and return to the gym to 3 - 4 weeks.

High Definition Lipo Patient-Specific Questions:

Patients who desire improvement of their body contour are excellent candidates for high definition liposuction. Regardless of your starting point, you should expect a transformative improvement of your contour. Patients are asked to have their surgery when they are at their comfort weight. The comfort weight is the weight you are comfortable maintaining as part of your normal lifestyle. This will ensure that the changes provided by high definition liposuction will be stable for the rest of your life.

Patients who undergo comprehensive fat removal with VASER liposuction have the potential to be left with redundant skin (think of an orange that has its pulp removed). The redundant skin can be extensive and may create unsightly contour irregularities (think of a Shar-Pei dog).

This redundant skin may be able to resorb itself if it still maintains its “recoil” protein called elastin. Unfortunately, after 40 years of age, the elastin protein is lost from the skin resulting in non-elastic and non-resorbable skin. For those under 40 years of age and those who are patient, the redundant skin will tighten back down over several years. For those patients older than 40 years of age, a skin reduction procedure performed at the time of the Vaser liposuction is advocated

Patients undergoing high definition liposuction surgery are evaluated much in the same manner as other surgical patients. If patients are undergoing extensive surgeries lasting longer than six hours or if they have comorbidities, they are more inclined to require more aggressive medical care.

Measures requiring nursing care become mandatory if patients have high volume liposuction greater than 5 L of infiltration/aspiration. This is because high volumes of liposuction infiltration and aspiration increase the risk of lidocaine toxicity and fluid shifts forming the vasculature and causing hypotensive episodes. All tumescent solutions used in high-volume liposuction are made with ½ the lidocaine dose compared to traditional liposuction, thus minimizing the risk of lidocaine toxicity.

In addition, aggressive IV hydration is utilized to counter any fluid shifts, thus avoiding hypotensive episodes. Another consideration includes the body mass index (BMI), a parameter that measures the degree the patient is overweight. When the BMI is greater than 33, the patient is considered a high-risk candidate and recommended to spend the night with one of our registered nurses. Finally, patients are monitored in the postoperative setting. If they display hypotensive episodes, desaturation of their oxygenation, or have pain out of proportion to that expected, arrangements are made for nursing care.

Despite its protective effect, patients are expected to maintain their weight. We have observed that our post high definition liposuction patients are more motivated to work out and live a healthy lifestyle since they look and feel more confident.

For patients undergoing HD liposuction surgery, there is a safe time limit of 6 hours and a volume of infiltration limit of 5 Liters within which surgeries should be completed.

As such, it is important to prioritize the regions such that problem areas may be treated in an optimal and expedited manner without going over the above safe parameters. Most patients can complete circumferential HD liposuction procedures under the above safety parameters.

The HD liposuction procedure must be infrequently completed in two sessions, usually combined with the need to have significant skin reduction, such as a Total Body Lift. A total body lift may comprise an extended tummy tuck, breast lift with or without an implant, medial thigh tuck, upper arm tuck, and lower body lift (lateral thigh tuck).

As early as three months following the tucking procedures above, patients can return to undergo comprehensive fat removal using Vaser technology


Surgical Angels!

Absolute professionals! I had previously undergone a double mastectomy due to my cancer. He fixed my previous botched procedure and gave me the results I needed and has truly effected my life in a positive way. He was extremely personable and showed the upmost care in my procedure. He was there every step of the way and truly cares for each patient. The post-care has been amazing and the entire staff has made the procedure extremely stress-free. I highly recommend the doctor and his staff to everyone.


Amazing. He was precise and his work was like ART! The entire staff was great. Post-operative care was incredible. The massages were crucial and the High definition liposuction protocol was extremely detail oriented and lead to some amazing results!

My body is sculpted now

I really appreciate and love the doctor, James, and Monica, and his whole team. He does excellent work and definitely knows what he is doing surgically, he is an artist. He really made me comfortable in the whole process and I feel sculpted now . My body feels so great and I cannot thank you enough  His high definition liposuction has changed my life and I would not go to anyone else. This is my second surgery and I am so happy with my results.

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