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Introduction: Combining 360 Liposuction with a Tummy Tuck Safely
Combining 360 liposuction with a tummy tuck safely requires attention to several components that must preserve vascular integrity in the tissues. First, 360 liposuction must be implemented using VASER technology which spares subcutaneous vessels when compared to traditional liposuction. Next, meticulous planning is required to combine a tummy tuck that requires undermining with liposuction. A modification of the traditional tummy tuck, modified abdominal skin resection, allows for safe liposuction of the abdominal flap. Finally, using the vertical axillary line provides the ability to effectively identify water shed zones so that vascularity can be preserved.
is 360 liposuction?
360 liposuction refers to comprehensive and strategic fat removal from all prominent areas of the body. The goal of 360 liposuction is to create a harmonious physique from all anatomical angles. This is accomplished through cavitation of fat cells with ultrasound technology administered through a solid straight probe (VASER ie Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance). VASER emulsifies the fat before liposuction and allows for the superficial and deep layer of fat to be uniformly removed during a patient’s body contouring procedure. The outcome is the unveiling of muscle highlights, maximum waistline definition, and increased viability of individual fat cells when fat grafting to areas like the chest, buttocks, and/or lateral hips.
What are the limitations of high definition VASER liposuction?
While high definition (HD) VASER liposuction is the GOLD standard when it comes to comprehensive fat removal, there are limitations to its use when moderate to severe skin laxity and muscle diastasis are present. In such scenarios, a “tummy tuck” with muscle plication is warranted to achieve an optimal aesthetic outcome. A “tummy tuck”, also known as a full abdominoplasty with or without muscle plication, includes the creation of a bi-elliptical excision that extends above the belly button. This results in the improvement of the abdominal contour via the release of the abdominal skin and underlying fat, tightening of abdominal muscles (if required), redraping and trimming of all redundant skin, and the creation of a new belly button. While an abdominoplasty with muscle plication has its benefits, its effects are maximized by “fine-tuning” and contouring the frame (ie back, flanks, axillae, etc.) that surround it via ultrasound-assisted liposuction.
Can you Combine high-definition Liposuction with a Tummy Tuck?
When performing synchronous abdominoplasty and ultrasound-assisted liposuction of the back and flanks, it is critical to avoid injury to the lateral torso perforator vessels that provide blood flow to the elevated abdominal flap. Hence, it is imperative that careful treatment parameters be defined when safely combining the benefits of HD VASER liposuction and said “tummy tuck” to avoid skin compromise. This is when delineating the front and back halves of a patient’s torso through the use of our novel HD vertical axillary line proves to be beneficial. Surgisculpt surgeons now have a defined boundary that limits the overreach of the ultrasound probe and liposuction cannulas which can lead to endpoint burns and mechanical trauma across the lateral transition zones.
What is the vertical axillary line?
Our HD vertical axillary line protocol at Surgisculpt involves a vertical line drawn from the armpit or axilla and extended down to the midpoint of the lateral thigh. This “midpoint” is defined by measuring the halfway point just under the buttock region while the patient stands sideways or in a lateral stance. It can be further defined by the axillary folds that are located along the anterior aspect of the armpit and posterior aspect of the armpit, termed the anterior HD vertical axillary line and the posterior HD vertical axillary line, respectively. Placement of the HD vertical axillary line anteriorly allows for maximum debulking of the waistline girth when performing ultrasound-assisted liposuction on females leading to the creation of dramatic curves. On the other hand, placement of the HD vertical axillary line posteriorly allows for more conservative fat removal when performing ultrasound-assisted liposuction on males. When performing simultaneous abdominoplasty and ultrasound-assisted liposuction as described above, the apex of the axilla is used to set the mid-HD vertical axillary line. This is because mid-placement of the HD vertical axillary line safely delineates the junction between the front and back halves of the body, protects lateral abdominal perforators, and minimizes potential overextension of planned liposuction of the waist region performed from the back.
Conclusion: Combining 360 Liposuction with a Tummy Tuck Safely
In summary, combining 360 liposuction with a tummy tuck safely requires expertise in cosmetic surgery. Specialized protocols and planning are required to provide effective treatment of patients thereby providing outstanding results.