Buttocks Enhancement


Brazilian Butt Lift Revision Cost

Brazilian butt lift revision cost is determined by the surgery required to correct deformities, asymmetry, and/or other concerns. Several butt lift revisions are offered to patients and these include isolated reshaping of the buttock, buttock size reduction, additional buttock augmentation, correction of the buttock to the lower back and/or thigh transitions, and correction of cellulite contour irregularities.

Isolated reshaping of the buttock can be offered to patients that have undergone prior BBL but who are not satisfied with their buttock shape. The typical complaint observed in female patients is that their upper lateral buttock cheeks are too prominent resulting in a shelf deformity.

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Creating the Perfect Butt Buttock Assessment Tool

Being a surgeon in creating the perfect butt and an official trainer at a premier surgical center, the ideal buttocks has become a popularly desired asset. The buttock is an integrant of female beauty, and with the recent popularity, buttock augmentation procedures and BBLs have been more desired than ever.

Beautiful women traveling around the nation and the world coming to SurgiSculpt all ask for the same thing, to create the perfect butt. Although all ask for the same, it means something different for each of them.

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Ultimate Buttock Shape and Size

The ultimate buttock shape and size is debatable and ultimately individually based. I have definitely seen the gamut of buttock shape and size preferences over the last decade performing buttock enhancement surgeries. Early on I observe the occasional patient who felt that her created butt was too small or even too large!

After much consideration, we created the Buttock Assessment Tool that allows our patients to literally choose the ideal buttock shape and size for them. Although photographs are an amazing source to convey the desired goal, it can sometimes be tricky to configure the ideal buttock shape and size of another person on your patient. As a Brazilian buttock lift revision expert, we routinely see dissatisfied patients each week in the office.

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SCUBA: Safe California Ultrasound-assisted Buttock Augmentation

SCUBA is a brand new cosmetic surgery procedure developed by SurgiSculpt M.D., FACS. With the ever-growing popularity of Brazilian butt lifts (BBLs), there has been an enhanced focus on any possible side effects. The SCUBA is a sure-fire method to prevent the number #1 fear for most BBL patients, fat embolisms. It is the eponym for Safe California Ultrasound-assisted Buttock Augmentation. 

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Fat Embolism: What is it and How to Avoid

Fat embolisms occur when fat gets into the superior and inferior gluteal artery or vein. Fat emboli can be a complication of liposuction. 

The theory for why liposuction has the mentioned complications resulting in a fat embolism can be divided into two. The first theory of the formation of fat emboli is due to the direct injection of fat during liposuction. The injection of fat must be in muscular or submuscular plains.

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How Common is Buttock Implants

How Common is Buttock Implants

Have you wondered how common are buttock implants? Buttock implants are not as popular as a Brazilian buttock lift and this is because of the high incidence of buttock implant extrusions.

National reports have reported a concerning rate of 1 in 5 failed implant cases that have caused many patients to avoid buttocks augmentation with buttocks implants. Fortunately, recent advances in buttock implant surgical protocols have allowed for a significant decrease in extrusion rates.

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Butt Enhancemen

Brazilian Butt Lift Revision Before And After

Please see this 36-year-old female who underwent surgical procedures, including high-definition liposuction and revision Brazilian Buttock lift with fat transfer from her abdomen to her buttock and hips. Brazilian Butt Lift Revision Before and After Introduction Brazilian butt lift revision before and after photographs are constructive when appreciating possible buttock…

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Brazilian Buttock Lift Revision Before And After

Brazilian Buttock Lift Revision Before And After

Brazilian butt lift revision before and after photographs are very helpful when trying to appreciate the improvements in buttock shape and size that are feasible. Patients should evaluate these photos with a keen eye and appreciate them aesthetically ideal. The first thing to look at is the overall harmony of the buttocks. Is there a soft transition between the legs and the buttocks and more importantly between the upper buttocks and the narrowed waistline? This transition is best described by the “Tilde” curve.

What is skin quality like? Does the butt look wrinkly or is there cellulite present on the legs? Does the buttock look droopy or too long in relation to the height of the back? These suboptimal results should not be present and necessitate a lateral thigh and buttock tuck.

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Brazilian Buttock Lift Riverside

If you live in Riverside and are desiring a Brazilian Buttock Lift, we urge you to consider taking a field trip to South Laguna Beach, to see SurgiSculpt.

SurgiSculpt is a central hub for buttock lift surgeries throughout the west coast. That is why Brazilian buttock lift Riverside patients should take advantage of living less than an hour to our headquarters.

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Vaser Lipo

Medial Buttock Aesthetics

Medial buttock aesthetics have not been discussed to date. The medial buttock has definite differences between male and female patients. The most important consideration for the medial buttock aesthetics is appreciating what looks more feminine versus masculine.

Body parts that are feminine tend to look rounded and full centrally, much like a hill. In contrast, body parts that look masculine tend to look flat and bold along the borders, much like a plateau. These gender-specific features can be translated to the medial buttocks aesthetics.

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