BBL Revision Recovery

BBL Revision Recovery
BBL Revision Recovery
BBL Revision Recovery

48-year-old female following her BBL revision surgery. Please appreciate the postoperative pictures demonstrating her successful BBL revision recovery.

Introduction to BBL Revision Recovery

BBL revision recovery is an important consideration for patients committing to pay for surgery a second time to achieve their dream buttock shape and size. The reasons why the original BBL failed must be recognized. Steps can be taken to ensure a successful BBL revision surgery only after considering why the first surgery failed. Often, this requires altering the operating room protocol and surgical design.

Postoperative BBL Recovery Review

The initial BBL recovery period must also be reviewed so that the same postoperative protocols are not repeated. In summary, BBL revision recovery must avoid any bbl recovery mistakes.

The first BBL revision recovery precaution is to avoid sitting on your buttock cheeks and any hard surfaces for prolonged periods. All of our BBL revision patients are taught how to sit on their upper posterior thighs rather than their buttocks cheeks to avoid compression on the central buttock, where most fat cells are transferred.

In addition, patients are taught to keep turning when they are sleeping so that pressure relief is provided to any fat cells distributed throughout the buttocks. During your BBL revision recovery, you want to shift your weight on your buttock cheek, move from side to side, and even lay on your tummy when possible. The most important consideration is to avoid hard surfaces such as a benchtop or the ground.

BBL Revision Recovery Nutrition

The second BBL revision recovery consideration is to ensure that you have a healthy and nutritious diet. It would help if you didn’t starve the newly transferred fat cells. The analogy I use is like trying to sprout a seedling. You want to overwater the little plant rather than underwater it. The same scenario applies to fat cells removed from their home and transferred to new homes.

While they are trying to take hold, providing them with extra nutrients is imperative. As such, you want to ensure a high protein intake of 150 grams daily. This can be accomplished with protein shakes taken three times daily between meals. What you want to do over the first two weeks following surgery is to keep your body in an anabolic state rather than a catabolic state so that you ensure your fat cells are being delivered nutrients.

BBL Revision Recovery Precautions

BBL revision recovery precaution is to avoid any risks of infection. This means keeping away from strangers by avoiding parties and places with a high density of individuals. This is because the transferred fat cells are prone to infection in the early postoperative period. In addition, it is critical to avoid any family members under the weather.

The most critical BBL revision recovery is to avoid surgery if you are not feeling well. For example, if you get an earache, sore throat, cough, or urinary tract infection, the bacteria can enter the bloodstream and find your newly transferred and compromised fat cells. Proper sanitation and healthy decisions should prevent fat graft infection and maximize fat graft take.

BBL Revision Recovery Summary

The healing process following a Brazilian Butt Lift or even BBL revision surgery is prone to compromise. Even more critical following initial surgery, the recovery process following BBL revision is more sensitive to compromise. Recovery times might be prolonged, and precautions should be taken to avoid infections, loss of fat cell viability, and resultant fat necrosis. Patients have a catabolic state and weight loss in the immediate postoperative period. Patients should also avoid a hyperinflammatory state which can result in excessive scar tissue.

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