Why BBL Revision Cannot be Performed After Laser Liposuction

Why BBL Revision Cannot be Performed After Laser Liposuction
Why BBL Revision Cannot be Performed After Laser Liposuction

Please see this 37-year-old female patient who underwent BBL revision with fat used from virgin areas because Laserย Liposuctionย limits your BBL revision.

Introduction: Why BBL Revision cannot be performed after Laser Liposuction

As a premier center for cosmetic procedures like butt lifts and BBL revisions, we are familiar with managing dissatisfied Brazilian Buttock lift clients from around the country. Clients come to us following Brazilian Butt Lifts either because they are unsatisfied with their retained volumes or not happy with their shape. We created the Brazilian Buttock Lift Assessment Tool specifically to address patients who were not happy with their shape. The Brazilian Buttock Lift Assessment tool provides patients with the ability to communicate their desired buttock volumes and shapes to their chosen doctors. Our tool helps Brazilian butt lift revision patients hone in on the shape and size of the buttock and lateral hips they desire.

The next cause for a disgruntled BBL patient involves poor graft take and subsequent volume retention. Although there are several reasons for poor graft take, one cause for poor take is fat cell injury during the harvesting process. It has been conjectured that fat cells treated with Laser therapy can be injured by the piercing heat of the laser. As such, fat transfer from areas treated with Laser liposuction should be avoided. Similarly, this is why BBL revision cannot be performed after Laser Liposuction unless there are areas that can still be used to harvest the fat.

Using our Brazilian Buttock lift Assessment Tool and ultrasound-assisted liposuction, our plastic surgeon will perform your Brazilian Buttock lift revision procedure to achieve the butt lift results you want. If you have undergone Laser liposuction previously, it will be critical to identify areas that have not been previously treated with Laser.

Your BBL Revision Consultation

During your initial consultation with our board-certified surgeons at SurgiSculpt, you will have the opportunity to choose amongst the various buttock shapes and sizes to ensure that you get the buttock of your dreams. In addition, we will tally all of your fat deposits to gauge how much fat you can harvest for your desired Brazilian Butt Lift surgery outcome. One crucial question our surgeons will ask is how your fat cells were harvested for your initial BBL.

Various liposuction techniques can accomplish fat harvesting, including traditional liposuction, VASER liposuction, Air-sculpt, Tickle, water-jet, pulsatile, and Laser liposuction. Of the liposuction techniques above, Laser liposuction is the procedure of utmost concern. This is because Laser liposuction, branded as Smart lipo by a marketing company called Sonobello, literally drills holes through the fat cells, making them non-viable. Smart lipo can negatively affect fat cell viability. As a result, Laser Liposuction limits the efficacy of a revision BBL.

Conclusion: Why BBL Revision cannot be performed after Laser Liposuction

So why can’t your surgeon perform a BBL revision after Laser liposuction? When you see SurgiSculpt for a revision BBL, our board-certified surgeons will meticulously tally all of your fat deposits. You must identify all areas that have previously undergone Laser liposuction. SurgiSculpt will remove all of the fat and scar tissue regardless of the liposuction technique. However, they will make sure not to use the fat from any areas that have previously undergone Laser liposuction.

SurgiSculpt will first use all of the fat from virgin areas that have not previously undergone any liposuction. Your surgeon cannot perform BBL revision after Laser Liposuction. They will use ultrasound-assisted liposuction to ensure maximum viability of fat cells from areas not previously operated on. Additionally, they will harvest areas that have been previously liposuctioned into another canister.

Your plastic surgeon will not transfer fat harvested from areas previously treated with Laser liposuction. This is why it is of utmost importance that you provide SurgiSculpt with your detailed operative notes. This way, they can design your revision BBL for maximum success. Hopefully, this article helps you appreciate why your plastic surgeon cannot perform BBL revision after Laser liposuction. If a revision BBL interests you, we encourage you to set up a complimentary virtual consultation today.

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