Male HD Lipo

What is VASER Liposuction?

What is VASER Liposuction?

This 55 year old male had a modified abdominal skin resection and high definition liposuction of the abdomen, flanks, and chest, as well as fat grafting to the chest. Introduction to What is VASER Liposuction? VASER Liposuction was developed to address the limitations of current liposuction techniques that are restricted to removing…

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high definition liposuction

What is high definition liposuction?

This 56 year old male patient had high definition liposuction of the abdomen, back, chest, and axilla – frontal view Introduction: What is High Definition Liposuction ? High definition liposuction describes the GOLD STANDARD amongst the various liposuction standards. It is defined by several criteria that we strive for. The…

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Take advantage of our Virtual Cosmetic Surgery Consult to view amazing tummy tuck before and after transformations.

Virtual Cosmetic Surgery Consult

A virtual cosmetic surgery consult is an efficient way to explore your plastic surgery options.

Plastic surgery is a serious venture that will require you to temporarily sacrifice your social schedule, to miss work, and pay considerable fees. In return, the changes that you receive will alter your life hopefully in a positive way.

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Experience the transformative effects of High Definition Abdominal Contouring with our remarkable before and after tummy tuck results.

High Definition Abdominal Contouring for the Large Weight Loss Male Patient

44-year-old male patient who underwent High definition liposuction with VASER of the flanks, lower back, abdomen, mini tummy tuck, chest masculinization Understanding the High Definition Abdominal Contouring for the Large Weight Loss Male Patient High definition abdominal contouring for the large weight loss male patient requires several considerations. First, it should be noted…

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Tummy tuck before and after

Best Way to Get a Square Chest: The Masculinized Chest Appearance

One of the most common questions you will see on popular fitness and bodybuilding forums such as are “How do I get a square chest?” From people who are overweight to the most enthusiastic gym-goers, creating a manly chest shape seems to be a common problem.

This seemingly tiny detail in chest shape is absolutely crucial to achieving a strong, masculine chest. So, how do you get it?

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Fat grafting for males before and after.

Fat Grafting In Males

Are you interested in contouring your body to make it more masculine? Fat grafting in males to focal areas,  can help shape and contour the body to create more desirable masculine features, such as a body ripped like a bodybuilder. How does fat grafting in males create a more masculine appearance?

The gold standard for fat harvesting is VASER liposuction, which stands for vibration amplification of sound energy at resonance. This highly specialized liposuction can contour the male body aggressively by being able to remove the fat comprehensively by utilizing ultrasou

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tummy tuck men 2 before and after

Tummy Tuck Men

This 33-year-old male underwent scarless skin tightening with Renuvion and VASER on arms.

Scarless skin tightening has revolutionized the cosmetic surgery body contouring world. Scarless skin tightening has been made possible through a process called subdermal coagulation that describes the contraction of collagen molecules located in the deeper skin layer as well as underlying fibroseptal network(tissues that create a net-like web made of collagen that help keep the skin integrity).

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What is Compression Coupling in Liposuction

What is Compression Coupling in Liposuction

This is why absolute, uniform fat removal was not possible, since, after removal of the majority of fat cells, the fat cells that were no longer held in position could not be drilled out. The analogy I use is the small punching bag, i.e. speed bag, that boxers use to do rhythmic speed punches which oscillate back and front with each punch. 

This is how the fat cell that is no longer tethered behaves.  As the cannula strikes it, the fat cell just moves out and then returns back down without being removed. In contrast, advanced liposuction techniques employ ultrasound-assisted liposuction to melt the fat first which then dramatically changes the dynamics of fat removal.

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High Definition Abs Surgery

High definition abs surgery will literally allow patients to achieve a six-pack in males and four-pack in females; these terms refer to the configuration of the abdominal rectus muscles that differ between males and females. Whereas men have two columns of three individual rectus muscle bellies, women tend to have two columns of two individual rectus muscle bellies.

This is a real art to high definition abs surgery and it requires intimate knowledge of rectus muscle anatomy. When studying rectus muscle anatomy, it becomes quickly evident that rectus muscles are not symmetric between the two columns located along each side of the central abdomen.

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Gynecomastia Before and After Photos

The ideal masculine chest is one that has a square appearance similar to the look of bodybuilders. The chest has upper, middle, and lower chest fullness with sharp defining lines creating a box-like or square chest. SurgiSculpt creates a square masculine chest using VASER liposuction during gynecomastia surgery.

This allows him to essentially sculpt the male chest to fit each patient’s body. VASER liposuction is used to remove unwanted fat in the chest while removing fat around the patient’s own muscle to make the muscle prominent.

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