High-Definition Liposuction Cost | SurgiSculpt®

High-Definition Liposuction Cost

34-year-old female patient who underwent high definition VASER liposuction of the flanks, lower back, middle back, upper back, abdomen, medial thighs, pubic skin resection, Brazilian Buttock Lift, bilateral breast implant removal, capsulotomies, capsulectomies and implant replacement and breast lift.

High-definition liposuction cost

How much does high-definition liposuction cost? High-definition liposuction cost is determined by several factors, which ultimately are determined by the length of surgery. The length of surgery is ultimately affected by several factors, including patient size or BMI, the number of desired areas of liposuction, whether abdominal etching is desired, and history of prior liposuction, cool sculpting, and gastric bypass.

The size of the patient

The patient’s size is best characterized by the patient’s BMI which stands for body mass index. Body mass index is determined by a fancy calculation that uses the patient height and weight. The BMI is a universal standard that gauges the overall size of the patient. The size of the patient or BMI directly affects the time required to complete your high-definition liposuction surgery. It is intuitive that the larger the area that needs to be liposuctioned, the longer it will take to get the fat out. In addition, the higher the BMI, the more likely your liposuction must be combined with removing redundant skin. Removal of skin requires surgical excision lines that must be subsequently repaired. Sewing of excision lines will require additional time to complete since this is completed in multiple layers and using a meticulous technique.

Number of desired areas of liposuction

The number of desired liposuction areas will directly affect the time required to complete the surgery. High-definition liposuction and body contouring prefer to treat all areas of concern. The all-inclusive list of areas can include the abdomen, armpit, arms, upper back, middle back, lower back, flanks, lateral thighs, medial thighs, calves, and neck. However, only some patients require all of these areas to be treated. As such, the number of areas treated will affect the cost of your high-definition body contouring.

Abdominal etching

Abdominal etching must be differentiated from abdominal liposuction. Whereas abdominal liposuction will uniformly remove all of the deep fat, abdominal liposuction requires selective removal of the superficial fat to create muscle highlights. Removal of superficial fat requires not only additional skill but also additional surgical time. Interestingly, in patients with less than 10% body fat, the superficial fat may be all that can be liposuctioned. In summary, liposuction of the superficial layer or abdominal etching will have a higher cost when compared to traditional liposuction.

History of prior liposuction

History of prior liposuction will affect your high-definition liposuction cost. Liposuction of soft tissues previously liposuctioned is significantly harder than a patient who has not had liposuction. This is because liposuction will inevitably cause significant scarring of the soft tissue plane. However, scarring of the soft tissues is not a concern for us since we use ultrasound-assisted liposuction to remove not only any residual fat but also all of the scar tissue. However, liposuction of scar tissue feels like concrete and does take 50% longer than liposuction of virgin areas.

History of cool sculpting

History of cool sculpting results in soft tissue beds that are scarred even worse than the history of prior liposuction. This makes liposuction in these areas very difficult, needing ultrasound-assisted liposuction as a necessity for removing fat. Even ultrasound-assisted liposuction requires increasing the power of the VASER machine from 70% to 80% to remove the fat.

History of gastric bypass and massive weight loss

A history of gastric bypass and subsequent massive weight loss results in a more complex surgical plan, as it often requires surgical excisions in several areas. This may include the breasts, arms, tummy, lower back and buttock, upper back, and medial thighs. In addition to the extra time required to repair these surgical excision lines, these patients will also require liposuction to smoothen out contour lines and junctions between various areas. In addition, gastric bypass patients usually have a low blood count. Although all efforts are made to raise your blood count, often, gastric bypass patients cannot elevate their blood counts to undergo 360 high-definition liposuctions. Patients desiring to undergo circumferential high-definition body contouring must have a minimum hemoglobin of 13.0. Additionally, patients who wish to undergo high-definition body contouring of a single side (front or back) must have a minimum hemoglobin of 11.0. In summary, gastric bypass patients may require a staged second surgery if they cannot maintain appropriate blood counts, thus naturally increasing their high-definition liposuction cost.

High-Definition Liposuction Cost Conclusion

In summary, high-definition liposuction cost is determined by multiple factors that ultimately affect the length of your surgery. Following a comprehensive consultation, you can obtain your personalized high-definition liposuction cost. HI-DEF Lipo also requires a more regimented postoperative course, such as the completion of serial lymphatic messages. This is because when fat deposits are melted with ultrasound-assisted liposuction, it is necessary to eliminate any liquified fat in the immediate postoperative period.

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