Buttocks Enhancement

Tummy tuck and BBL surgery before and after.

Feminized Male BBL

A 55-year-old male who underwent high definition liposuction of the abdomen, flanks, lower back, and chest and fat grafting to the buttock What is Special About a Feminized Male BBL? A feminized male BBL is unique to male clients who desire a Brazilian buttock lift that is fuller in size….

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Tummy tuck to fix a sagging butt, with visible before and after results.

How to Fix a Sagging Butt

A 44 year old patient who had a lateral thigh tuck and Brazilian buttock lift to fix her sagging butt. Introduction to How to Fix a Sagging Butt When determining how to correct a sagging butt best, thinking of a sagging breast is very helpful. You cannot just fix a…

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Brazilian Butt Lift Fat Emboli

Brazilian Butt Lift Fat Emboli

A 34 year old female patient who had a Brazilian buttock lift. Introduction: Brazilian Butt Lift Fat Emboli Fat emboli during a Brazilian Butt Lift surgery remain a detrimental complication that continues to plague this most popular cosmetic surgery. Over the last six years, the number of Brazilian butt lifts…

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Why is VASER liposuction ideal for BBL

Why is VASER liposuction ideal for BBL

A 52 year old female patient who had high definition VASER liposuction of her abdomen, back, flanks and subsequent Brazilian buttock lift. Let us answer why is VASER liposuction ideal for BBL. The single fat cell molecule can range from 50 microns to 4000 microns. This wide range in size…

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Increase in Brazilian Buttock Lifts in California

Increase in Brazilian Buttock Lifts in California

Before and after photos of a tummy tuck in California. Why is there an increase in Brazilian Buttock Lifts in California There has been a recent increase in Brazilian Buttock lifts (BBLs) performed in California. You may be thinking, “Why are Brazilian Buttock Lifts on the rise in California?” The…

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Safe BBL

Safe BBL

The safe BBL must avoid fat grafting into or under the gluteus maximus muscle to avoid fat embolus into the superior gluteal vein. Several measures are employed to minimize the risk of fat emboli. These safety measures include:

  1. Injecting fat only in retrograde fashion while the cannula is moving
  2. Injecting fat with a grafting cannula that is larger than 4mm
  3. Injecting fat using a rigid cannula with a single hole tip
  4. Placing the patient in a slightly flexed position (ani-flexed)
  5. Using a sacral port that makes direct injury to the superior gluteal vein impossible
  6. Knowledge of muscle and vascular anatomy
  7. Use of a portable ultrasound to guide fat graft transfer

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VASER Lipo vs. Smart Lipo

What’s the difference between VASER Lipo vs. Smart Lipo is a common concern in patients that I consult for body contouring. There are definite advantages of Vaser Lipo vs Smart Lipo that should be discussed.

First, Vaser liposuction uses ultrasound energy to dislodge fat cells from a solid to a liquid form; this is different than smart lipo which uses laser technology to literally drill and liquefy fat cells; Both end in a more liquid form of fat which is then suction able.

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What Is A Blow Out Deformity?

Fat cell transfer requires the cells to become vascularized otherwise face death. When a fat cell dies, it can become prone to infection. If there is a small volume of fat cells that die, then the body will be able to remove them.

However, if there is a large volume of fat cells that die in one region, then they cannot be reabsorbed, and will subsequently create a lake of dead fat cells.

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Will I Lose 40% Of My Butt Volume Following BBL?

Will I Lose 40% Of My Butt Volume Following BBL?

A large number of patients will complain that they are not as full as they were in the beginning. A few patients have even made estimates of how much buttock volume they have retained with the most common estimate being 60% volume retention at 6 months.

Why is this so? When undergoing a BBL, fat must be harvested from the body first.

Unfortunately, when the fat is harvested it can be damaged.

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How to Correct Butt Cellulite

How to Correct Butt Cellulite

This 31 year old female patient underwent a lower body lift with high definition vaser liposuction of the back and flanks and a Brazilian butt lift to correct her butt cellulite. Introduction: How to Correct Butt Cellulite To consider how we can correct butt cellulite, we must consider what cellulite…

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