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Abdominal Etching

What is Compression Coupling in Liposuction

What is Compression Coupling in Liposuction

This is why absolute, uniform fat removal was not possible, since, after removal of the majority of fat cells, the fat cells that were no longer held in position could not be drilled out. The analogy I use is the small punching bag, i.e. speed bag, that boxers use to do rhythmic speed punches which oscillate back and front with each punch. 

This is how the fat cell that is no longer tethered behaves.  As the cannula strikes it, the fat cell just moves out and then returns back down without being removed. In contrast, advanced liposuction techniques employ ultrasound-assisted liposuction to melt the fat first which then dramatically changes the dynamics of fat removal.

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Tummy tuck before and after, also known as liposuction meaning.

Liposuction Meaning

Liposuction meaning may have become the liposuction innovation that has lots of techniques. This 37-year-old female demonstrates liposuction excellence. 

Her procedures involved high definition liposuction and a mini tummy tuck. A mini tummy tuck is a cosmetic procedure for removing the remaining fat deposits and loose skin.

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Tummy tuck with VASER lipo before and after.

Laser Lipo vs VASER Lipo

This patient was considering laser lipo vs VASER lipo and decided to go with VASER!

If you have had any interest in plastic surgery procedures over the past few years, you have most likely seen ads for Smart Lipo by Sonobello. With extremely prevalent advertisements, Smart Lipo looks like the ideal procedure for body contouring needs. So what actually is Smart Lipo and what makes it so great? Is it as great as advertised? Understand more about Laser lipo vs VASER lipo.

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High Definition Abs Surgery

High definition abs surgery will literally allow patients to achieve a six-pack in males and four-pack in females; these terms refer to the configuration of the abdominal rectus muscles that differ between males and females. Whereas men have two columns of three individual rectus muscle bellies, women tend to have two columns of two individual rectus muscle bellies.

This is a real art to high definition abs surgery and it requires intimate knowledge of rectus muscle anatomy. When studying rectus muscle anatomy, it becomes quickly evident that rectus muscles are not symmetric between the two columns located along each side of the central abdomen.

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Gynecomastia surgery with skin removal

Gynecomastia Surgery with Skin Removal

Gynecomastia surgery with skin removal is reserved for patients with not only feminized breasts but also moderate to severe skin redundancy. Patients with moderate to severe skin redundancy will not benefit from removal of the soft tissue bulk only. This is because the degree of skin redundancy will not experience the required recoil that is observed in clients with minimal to moderate skin redundancy. This concern is worsened with age, since loss of the recoil protein, called elastin, is lost after the age of 45. 

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Tummy tuck with laser liposuction before and after.

Liposuction Laser Technology

This technology using Smart lipo allows for fat cells to be emulsified by virtue of a laser fiber that drills fat cells into a liquid form from their baseline solid state. The liquid fat state has proved to be more effective than traditional liposuction for fat removal.

However, over the last few years, ultrasound-assisted liposuction has demonstrated dramatic improvement over laser-assisted liposuction technology.

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Tummy tuck alternatives before and after.

Liposuction Alternatives

This patient demonstrates a now contoured abdomen and flanks following ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL). UAL is one of the liposuction alternatives yielding more transformative results versus traditional liposuction techniques.

Liposuction alternatives are multifold and include various modalities that have been introduced over the last few years. To begin with, we will present traditional liposuction which utilizes tumescent solution to numb up and constrict the vessels that traverse throughout the fat. 

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Gynecomastia Before and After Photos

The ideal masculine chest is one that has a square appearance similar to the look of bodybuilders. The chest has upper, middle, and lower chest fullness with sharp defining lines creating a box-like or square chest. SurgiSculpt creates a square masculine chest using VASER liposuction during gynecomastia surgery.

This allows him to essentially sculpt the male chest to fit each patient’s body. VASER liposuction is used to remove unwanted fat in the chest while removing fat around the patient’s own muscle to make the muscle prominent.

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Before and after pictures of a woman's tummy tuck enhanced with 4D High Definition Liposuction.

4d High-definition Liposuction

3d high definition liposuction refers to three-dimensional body contouring. This means utilizing three axis X, Y, and Z to create your sculpture. This is in contrast to a 2d description that describes only an X and Y axis, or a single plain.

4d high definition liposuction describes the extra dimension of muscle dynamics. 4d refers to the way muscle dynamics’ shape and function affect the 3d depth perception.

This dynamic fourth dimension created by muscle movement requires recognition. The nature of this liposuction technique coins the term 4d high definition liposuction.

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Abdominal Etching

Male Breast Surgery Cost

Let’s discuss male breast surgery cost. This patient had high definition liposuction to his chest and breast area without gynecomastia.

As many as one in four adult men are affected by enlarged male breasts. Today, male breast surgery is the most effective, long-lasting treatment for enlarged male breasts or “man boobs”. Treatment options include liposuction and/or direct excision into the glandular tissue, excess fat, or skin.

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