Male Plastic Surgery

male breast surgery patient 8 front view

Breast Reduction For Men

Breast reduction for men is a popular surgery that boys and men of all ages seek. A male breast reduction is the most effective surgical treatment for treating gynecomastia, also known as enlarged male breasts. Although breast reduction for men is not a serious health problem, it can be a bother and tough to cope with the swelling of the breast tissue.

Gynecomastia can affect both boys or men and can affect one or both breasts. This possibly even, or uneven swelling of the breast tissue can be developed at a younger or older age, beginning at puberty and continuing to an older age. Along with present swelling of the male breast tissue, the pain of this tissue may also be a symptom of gynecomastia, and further requires the need for a male breast reduction.

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post bariatric surgery patient 2 back view

Skin Removal Surgery

Skin removal surgery is often the final step for someone who has made a commitment to a new, healthier lifestyle. Following significant weight loss, people will observe a massive decrease in body fat, but this often results in major skin redundancy.

People who have undergone weight loss surgery such as a gastric sleeve will often experience losses of 100 pounds or more after the first few years. Unfortunately, no amount of dieting or working out will make their skin recoil to give them their final dream body.

At around 40 years of age, our skin lo

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VASER Liposuction UK

Patients have been traveling from all over the world to undergo Vaser Liposuction UK location. The reason for the popularity of VASER lipo in the UK is due to a single physician named Grant Hamlet.

Dr. Hamlet is well regarded as the single best body sculptor in the world. He has trained hundreds of surgeons throughout the world on how to optimally use the VASER machine.

Since Vaser Liposuction UK location allows for the comprehensive removal of fat, it allows practitioners to literally sculpt patients’ bodies. With this added capacity to remove fat, comes the required need for the artistic eye and sculpting skill. These facts make it clear why the UK is such a popular hub for VASER liposuction.

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What to Expect After Gynecomastia Surgery

So you have decided to schedule your gynecomastia, male breast reduction surgery, and you are curious what to expect after gynecomastia surgery.

After you have undergone your gynecomastia surgery to manage your overdeveloped male chest, your expected recovery time might be your main concern. Depending on the personalized surgical plan designated and discussed with you by your boar

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Male Breast Surgery versus Gynecomastia Surgery

Male Breast Surgery versus Gynecomastia Surgery

Male breast surgery versus gynecomastia surgery is a differentiation that requires discussion of individual client’s goals. Male breast surgery is reserved for patients that want to have a bold and armored chest plate appearance. This is in contrast to a more low profile and flat appearance of conventional gynecomastia. Clients desiring the bolder male breast surgery will often have abdominal contouring done to unveil their six pack. This is because the bolder appearance of the chest is more harmonious with an etched abdominal contour. As stated previously, conventional gynecomastia surgery results in a more subdued, flattened chest that is focused on eliminating man boobs. The flattened chest appearance does resolve the feminized chest appearance but it does not necessary condone a strong masculine appearance. In order to appreciate the difference between the male breast surgery and gynecomastia surgery, it is necessary to discuss the details of each surgery.

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Mini tummy tuck before and after recovery stories.

Mini Tummy Tuck Recovery Stories

Have you heard many mini tummy tuck recovery stories? They are usually uneventful, as the recovery process is much easier than a full tummy tuck recovery. This is due to the fact that mini tummy tucks are performed to address moderate to mild skin redundancy only.

Therefore, there is not a lot of skin tension following this procedure which allows for a relatively easy recovery. SurgiSculpt has mini tummy tuck recovery stories from hundreds of patients who have been back at their place of work within the next week!

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Face Lift and Neck

Neck Lift Scars

Unappealing neck lift scars are typically avoided due to the surgical technique and leverage utilized by Dr. Mowavi. Neck lift incisions typically follow around the ear strategically so that incision lines are not visible.

In the front of the ear, the incision follows the helical root and cheek junction where there is a change in the hue of the skin from a pink to white, respectively.

Then the incision follows into the ear so that it is not visible. Next, it hugs the junction of the earlobe with the lateral cheek prior to extending to the back of the ear. Finally, it curves around onto the posterior hairline.

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Face lift and neck

Neck Lift Incisions

Neck lift incisions must be positioned strategically to provide the capacity to remove redundant skin, leverage to pull up on the neck skin, yet be hidden from direct view. They must avoid all tension along the hairline to avoid injury to hair follicles that might result in hair loss.

Neck lift incisions must follow the natural curves of the hairline and the ear in areas where they are exposed. Incisions must be hidden when possible such as going into the tragus (focal prominence in the front of the ear) and be hidden behind the ear in the naturally occurring gulley. When neck lifts are properly placed and repaired without undue tension, they will fade with time and be invisible to the naked eye.

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facelift patient 4 front view

Facelift Side Effects

Facelift side effects are most often observed following skin only facelifts yet avoided following SMAS facelift. These deformities include:

  1. The windblown effect
  2. The Joker’s face
  3. Prominent facial scars
  4. Scar migration onto the neck
  5. Pixie ear deformity
  6. Lumpy facial contour
  7. Skin recoil and sagging recurrence

Windblown Effect

The windblown effect relates to the excessive pull that is placed on the lateral eyes resulting in the shape of the eyes becoming narrowed and pulled. Some characterize the appearance of the eyelids as “Mongolian” in appearance.

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Tummy tuck before and after with male breast surgery recovery.

Male Breast Surgery Recovery

Male breast surgery refers to the reduction of excess fat and skin in the male breast that results in a feminine appearance, also known as gynecomastia. SurgiSculpt will answers all you male breast surgery recovery questions.

A common complaint among men is not being able to lose weight despite following a regular exercise routine and diet plan. Excess glandular tissue is the primary cause of enlarged male breasts in many patients like this.

High definition liposuction and direct excision is the treatment of choice to remove excess glandular tissue. However, while gynecomastia surgery only focuses on the gland removal, male breast surgery puts an extra focus on contouring the male chest to look masculinized, like an armored plate.

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