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Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Augmentation Revision Surgery Recovery

Breast augmentation revision surgery recovery is more involved than breast primary breast augmentation because of two major aspects.

a) The first principle is a capsule alteration for implant pocket manipulation which is required to heal the new capsule. The capsule is used as a guard that holds the new implant pocket position.

It can be incised by a capsulotomy, cut out by a procedure called a capsulectomy, or even sewn back together or sometimes tightened, which is a procedure called capsulorrhaphy.

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Breast Augmentation Surgery

Top Breast Revision Surgeon

Top breast revision surgeon SurgiSculpt is well renowned for his breast revision results internationally. Patients have traveled from throughout the country and even from foreign countries abroad to take advantage of SurgiSculpt’s breast revision surgery expertise.

What makes SurgiSculpt is unique in that he possesses an artistic eye, and as a body and breast sculptor he is able to visualize desired breast changes and subsequently design customized operative plans that will achieve the desired goal changes.

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Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Augmentation Revision in Los Angeles

Breast augmentation revision in Los Angeles comes with a particular allure due to the reputation of the area. Los Angeles culture is ingrained with a desire to reach aesthetic heights that were previously unthinkable.

As such, the cosmetic plastic surgery industry has boomed in Los Angeles

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Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Augmentation Revision in Beverly Hills

When someone thinks of breast augmentation revision in Beverly Hills, they imagine the best of the best when it comes to cosmetic plastic surgery. Beverly Hills has cemented its reputation as the capital of cosmetic plastic surgery across the country.

However, with the name, breast augmentation revision in Beverly Hills often comes with an inflated price. It is important for anyone searching for breast augmentation revision in Beverly Hills to focus on the surgical results and not the prestige of the location or surgeon. 

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Breast augmentation revision surgery before and after

Breast Augmentation Revision to Correct Breast Size Asymmetry and Scarring

One of the biggest causes of breast augmentation revision surgery is due to breast size asymmetry and scarring. However, while this may be an unfortunate circumstance, a breast augmentation revision to correct breast size asymmetry and scarring will definitively fix your issue and get you those dream breasts you’ve always wanted! 

There are several reasons for breast asymmetry such as incorrect sizing at your initial consultation or an incorrect post-operative protocol. Regardless, a consultation with a breast augmentation revision specialist is the logical next step to correct breast size asymmetry. 

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Breast Augmentation Revision to Go Bigger.

Breast Augmentation Revision to Go Bigger

You just got breast implants, but you want to go bigger? At SurgiSculpt, we see many patients about going bigger in their breasts, even after already receiving a breast augmentation. After recovering from a recent breast augmentation, many patients decide that they would like a breast augmentation revision to go bigger.

This is a revision that we do often at SurgiSculpt, enhancing the already enhanced breast sizes of women who just received a breast augmentation.

If you are wanting to go bigger, then you are l

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Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Augmentation Revision Surgeon in Newport Beach

Breast augmentation revision surgeon in Newport Beach is a common search term for anyone looking for breast surgery in southern California. Newport Beach has more plastic surgeons per capita than any city in the country.

As such, it is a highly sought after area for cosmetic plastic surgery. However, this may result in choice paralysis for someone that doesn’t know exactly what to look for. 

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Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Augmentation Revision of Surgical Error in Pocket Dissection

A surgical error in pocket dissection is a common contour irregularity seen in poorly performed breast augmentation results. This patient is shown before and after breast augmentation revision of surgical error in pocket dissection.

At her original breast augmentation surgery, her surgeon incorrectly sized her and likely used an implant that was too large for her breast pocket. As such, they over-dissected the superior breast pole which is what causes the unnatural appearance seen in the before photo. 

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Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Augmentation Revision Surgeon In Orange County

When having a breast implant augmentation procedure, avoiding breast implant malposition is crucial for the best and most natural-looking and feeling results. Board-certified plastic surgeon and breast augmentation specialist SurgiSculpt shares his aftercare below for breast implants to avoid breast implant malposition. 

At SurgiSculpt, SurgiSculpt uses a breast implant augmentation breast band for his implant patients to keep implants down and on top of the inframammary crease. Intraoperatively, the implants are placed under the pectoralis muscle, but they are in an unfavorable position, under the pec, and tighter at the bottom than the top (subclavicular).

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Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Augmentation Revision To Correct a Snoopy Deformity

This patient demonstrates the amazing results of a breast augmentation revision to correct a snoopy deformity. A snoopy deformity is a common breast implant complication that stems from the use of a textured implant. Named on the cartoon characters’ head and nose,  a snoopy deformity is when a textured implant is stuck and the breast tissue sags off of it.

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