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How to Fix Poor Areola Scarring After Breast Lift

How to Fix Poor Areola Scarring After Breast Lift

Looking to fix poor areola scarring after breast lift? Many patients have undergone the suboptimal peri-areolar breast lift popularized as the Benelli Lift. Unfortunately, this breast lift is limited by virtue of a purse-string suture used to lift the nipple and areola tissues. The result of placing all of the tension on the areola is a poor areola scar characterized by the starburst effect.

In addition, since incision lines are limited to only around the areola, a suboptimal breast lift is observed on the order of 1 to 2 cm when most patients would benefit from a 4 to 5 cm lift at a minimum. Finally, the peri-areolar lift does not allow for the optimal reshaping of the breast. This will result in residual ptosis of the lower breast tissues.

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My Saline Implants Have Popped?

My Saline Implants Have Popped?

Saline popped implant require a very different approach than silicone implant ruptures. This is because the saline implant deflated immediately like a car tire. The advantage of a saline implant is that you know pretty quickly that you have a problem. This is because the implant volume literally disappears within a week.

This means that you don’t have to worry whether your implant has popped or not. It is either intact and inflated or popped and deflated. This is in contrast to a silicone implant that you do not easily know whether it has ruptured. In fact, early signs of a silicone implant can be a slight twinge or no signs at all.

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When I'll My Breast Lift Round Out?

When I’ll My Breast Lift Round Out?

When performing breast lifts for breast lift round out, it is critical to gauge the lower breast pole during breast tissue in-setting. This is because the lower breast pole tissues are very dynamic. Often, they will shift and stretch out even within three to six months. Thus, the typical complaint I observe on social question and answer platform, is why are more nipples pointing upward?

This side effect occurs very frequently as the lower breast pole gives out and results in what we call bottoming out. Bottoming out occurs when the weight of the breast pushes on the lower breast skin and makes it stretch out.

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Redness Over Lower Breast Following Breast Lift

Redness Over Lower Breast Following Breast Lift

Redness over the lower breast mound following breast lift is unavoidable in the early postoperative period. As a medical advisory member on Realself, an online question and answer platform for patients, I observe this concern from patients routinely.

The most common concern is whether the redness over the lower breast following breast lift is an infection. The redness can be quite bright and concerning for patients who worry about their incision lines acting as a source of breast incision line contamination and subsequent infection. In particular, breast lift incisions are prone to poor healing.

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Smaller Boobs

Breast Pull on the Neck

If you feel like your breast pull on the neck, you should consider a breast reduction surgery. Breast pull on the neck is caused by not only the weight of the breasts but as well as the sagging of the breasts. In fact, it is the combination of these two elements that create the torque that is felt by your neck muscles.

Torque is defined by the weight of the breasts multiplied by the “moment arm” created by the sagging of the breasts. Patients who have observed breast pull on the neck, often observe their entire upper body leaning over when they walk. This leaning of the entire upper body is caused by the body compensating against the heaviness of the breasts and alleviating the strain on the neck.

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Breast Implant Augmentation After Breast Lift

Breast Implant Augmentation After Breast Lift

Breast lift implant augmentation after a breast lift provides the opportunity to improve several aspects of breast lift surgery. Breast lift surgery allows your surgeon to lift your nipple and areola to an ideal and more desirable position. Breast lift surgery similarly allows for the trimming and lifting of your breast mounds to a more desirable position.

However, traditional breast lift surgery is compromised by the inability to provide the fullness and rounded appearance of breast augmentation surgery. This is best appreciated by the flattened appearance of the lower breast pole as well as poor upper pole fullness and roundedness of the breast mound.

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Feeling Saggy and Deflated

Feeling Saggy and Deflated

If you are feeling saggy and deflated, you need to consider SurgiSculpt’s modified breast lift with implant augmentation. Combining a breast lift with an implant augmentation can be a technically challenging surgery. This is because the breast lift automatically places stresses on the nipple and areola complex by virtue of making incisions around the nipple and areola.

Incisions or back cuts are necessary to move the nipple and areola to a higher, more desirable position to eliminate the feeling of being saggy and deflated.

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What is a Breast Reduction?

What is a Breast Reduction?

A 43-year-old female patient demonstrated bilateral breast hypertrophic with grade III ptosis who initially consulted me to find out what is a breast reduction.

Women get a breast reduction when they want to reduce the size of their breasts. Oversized breasts often cause additional problems such as chronic pain in the neck, shoulders, and/or back, skin irritation, and in some cases nerve damage.

To ease the discomfort or achieve a more proportional aesthetic, women seek a breast reduction.

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Breast Lift with Implants Near Me

Breast Lift with Implants Near Me

A 28-year-old female patient found SurgiSculpt after searching for, “breast lift with implants near me”.

If you are interested in breast lift surgery, you likely searched: “Breast lift with implants near me”. It’s important to find an office or hospital that is close by because it offers a lot of convenience during the recovery time.

In addition, the preoperational and post-operational measures are vital for successful surgery. At the SurgiSculpt taking care of the patient before and after the procedure is just as important as during the procedure.

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Most Expensive Breast Lift with Implants

Most Expensive Breast Lift with Implants

A 57-year-old female patient shows how to get the most expensive breast lift with implants.

The most common complaint of patients seeking a breast lift is the loss of volume and sagging of breasts from weight loss, pregnancy, and/or aging. For patients seeking the most optimal and aesthetically pleasing results, a vertical mastopexy is the best treatment. Although it’s one of the most expensive breast lift with implants procedure, it the most effective.

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