Breasts | Page 12 of 14 | SurgiSculpt®


Types of Breast Lifts

Types of Breast Lifts

Over time with aging, women’s breasts change and lose their contour and shape. A breast lift, or mastopexy, is a surgical procedure performed by a plastic surgeon to raise sagging breasts. A surgeon can change the size and contour of the breasts, decrease areola size, types of breast lift, and elevate breast mounds to give a more youthful appearance.

A breast lift is performed by removing excess skin, bringing the breast tissue up onto the chest wall and tightening the skin around the breast tissue. Breast lifts themselves do not change the size of the breasts, but can be performed with an implant augmentation or breast reduction.

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Natural Breast Augmentation (NBA)

Natural Breast Augmentation (NBA)

Why is a natural breast augmentation, NBA, becoming more popular over the traditional breast augmentation using implants?

Due to recent media coverage and concerns surrounding Breast Implant-Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL), which is a rare type of lymphoma that can occur with textured silicone breast implants, women have become frightened that BIA-ALCL will happen to them.

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Breast Augmentation to Go Bigger, CPSI.

Breast Augmentation to Go Bigger

Breast augmentation to go bigger is a frequent request of patients who have already undergone breast augmentation. The culprit for patients wanting their breast augmentation to go bigger is the first six weeks following their initial breast augmentation. During the first six weeks, the patient’s breasts are swollen from breast surgery.

The swelling can be quite dramatic and be 20% larger than their final size once their implants have settled down at three months following surgery. Unfortunately, patients may get accustomed to their larger size during the early postoperative period, and then disappointed when the swelling resolves.

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breast augmentation revision patient 16 right view

Breast Augmentation Revision Specialist

A breast augmentation revision specialist should be a plastic surgeon who has a passion for breast surgery. Your breast augmentation revision doctor should demonstrate extensive surgical experience and possess the knowledge to discuss the various breast deformities with you.

Following a discussion of the various deformities and their causes, your breast augmentation revision doctor should design a customized surgical plan to correct all of your concerns and to achieve all of your desired goals. Your surgeon should make meticulous notes of your breast dimensions including your chest width, breast diameter, mound position, shape, and size.

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Post Bariatric Surgery Diet

Post Bariatric Surgery Diet

Prior to surgery, patients are asked to have a diet that focuses on high protein foods such as red meat, chicken breasts, and eggs. A preoperative post-bariatric surgery diet should also be without fish as they are rich in fatty acids and may thin the blood prior to surgery.

SurgiSculpt asks his patients to have protein shakes between meals and to shoot for a daily goal of 150g of protein supplement per day. 

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breast lift recovery front left view

Brazilian Butt Lift Revision Before and After

For faster breast lift recovery, dressings will be placed around the surgical incisions. Over the dressings, an elastic bandage or support bra is wrapped around the torso and the breasts to aid in healing and offer support. Some dressing may need to stay in place for a few weeks until the incisions are healed. Sometimes, placement of a small drain is required near the incision site to collect any excess fluid or blood.

Drains would be removed about a week or two after surgery. Most patients are allowed to return to desk work after 1 week. The entire breast lift surgery recovery will take 4 to 6 weeks and SurgiSculpt recommends his patients get us and enjoy their new body 6 weeks after the procedure.

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Breast Lift Procedure

Breast Lift Procedure

This is a 36-year-old female patient 3 months after her breast lift procedure. She also had a tummy tuck to further transform her body and look her best!

Breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, is a cosmetic procedure to improve the appearance and aesthetics of the breasts. This procedure can address the drooping of a patient’s breasts. Breasts may drop for several reasons including age, gravity, pregnancy, and genetics, which causes the breast mounds to drop and look “saggy”.

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Breast Lift Risks

Breast Lift Risks

Choosing to get a breast lift is a life-changing decision. As such, we at SurgiSculpt try to provide our patients with all the information they require about breast lift risks to make an informed decision that they will not regret.

Breast lift risks range from minor side effects to major complications and a trained breast lift expert should be requested for your surgery. SurgiSculpt has performed hundreds and hundreds of breast lift procedures and has never had any major complications.

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Cheapest Breast Lift

Cheapest Breast Lift

When researching where to get your breast lift, it is critical that you avoid the cheapest breast lifts. A breast lift, or mastopexy, is a perfect surgery for patients looking to achieve a more youthful appearance. This surgery involves removing the excess breast skin that results in an unpleasant droopy look.

After the removal of the skin, the breasts are raised and the surrounding skin is tightened to provide the optimal breast contour. Breast lifts are perfect for patients looking to reduce the signs of aging in their breasts, resize their nipples, or create asymmetric breast contour.

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breast augmentation smaller patient 16 front right view

Breast Augmentation Smaller

Please see this 39-year-old female who underwent breast augmentation revision with removal and replacement of bilateral silicone implants

Breast augmentation small implants refers to the surgery to remove current breast implants and to replace them with smaller implants. Patients who desire breast augmentation smaller are typically tired of their more generous breast size. Patients seeking breast augmentation are usually older and have experienced the discomfort that comes with h

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