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Tummy Tuck

What Is The Safe Volume For Liposuction?

What Is The Safe Volume For Liposuction?

The tumescent solution contains both lidocaine and epinephrine. The lidocaine is a numbing agent that helps reduce pain. The epinephrine is a vasoconstricting agent that contracts the vessels above thus helping reduce blood loss into the surrounding tissues.

When the vessels contact, they become less vulnerable to injury from the liposuction cannulas. Liposuction cannulas are hollow bore rods that literally strip the fat out of the body. Although they are intended to remove the fat, they obviously can theoretically injury other components in the tissues where the fat live. This can include ligaments, nerves, and vessels.

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Tummy Tuck 22 BGOK

Liposuction or Tummy Tuck?

Please see this 51-year-old female who saw SurgiSculpt in consultation and decided to have HD liposuction of her back and flanks, but a tummy tuck to create a beautiful 360 transformation.

When considering contouring surgery to improve the aesthetics of your belly, several factors must be considered. The typical question I get during my virtual consultations is, “Do I need liposuction or tummy tuck?” Whether you will benefit from liposuction or tummy tuck is based on several factors including the extent of fat excess, degree of skin redundancy, and state of muscle integrity.

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Mini tummy tuck before and after showcasing results on a fit girl.

Minimizing Abdominal Incision Line Scarring

In order to minimize scarring after abdominal surgery, one must ensure there is minimal tension at the incision line. A scar is fibrous tissue replacing the normal skin and the body’s natural way of repairing the skin after an injury. Tension is one of the main reasons for excessive scarring.

When performing abdominoplasty, tummy tuck, it is imperative to maximally remove the redundant skin but not overdoing it so there isn’t unnecessary tension in the area. In order to minimize tension in the abdomen and minimize incision line scarring, different actions are taken.

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Types of Breast Lifts

Types of Breast Lifts

Over time with aging, women’s breasts change and lose their contour and shape. A breast lift, or mastopexy, is a surgical procedure performed by a plastic surgeon to raise sagging breasts. A surgeon can change the size and contour of the breasts, decrease areola size, types of breast lift, and elevate breast mounds to give a more youthful appearance.

A breast lift is performed by removing excess skin, bringing the breast tissue up onto the chest wall and tightening the skin around the breast tissue. Breast lifts themselves do not change the size of the breasts, but can be performed with an implant augmentation or breast reduction.

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What is A Body Lift?

What is A Body Lift?

What is a body lift? Body lift surgery is a cosmetic surgery procedure that is used to improve the overall aesthetic of the body. This primarily consists of excision of excess skin, often following a period of weight loss or to reverse the signs of aging or pregnancy.

As weight-loss surgeries such as the gastric sleeve are becoming more and more popular, there is an increase in demand for body lifts.

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: GMommy Tummy Tuck

Post Bariatric Surgery Recovery

SurgiSculpt, founder of SurgiSculpt and body contouring expert, has a very strict post-bariatric surgery recovery protocol. Post-bariatric surgery is one of the largest cosmetic surgery procedures and there are numerous factors that play a role in the recovery process. 

First, patients most often have excess skin circumferentially and thus the recovery time is hindered by the sheer volume of skin that is removed.

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Post Bariatric Surgery Diet

Post Bariatric Surgery Diet

Prior to surgery, patients are asked to have a diet that focuses on high protein foods such as red meat, chicken breasts, and eggs. A preoperative post-bariatric surgery diet should also be without fish as they are rich in fatty acids and may thin the blood prior to surgery.

SurgiSculpt asks his patients to have protein shakes between meals and to shoot for a daily goal of 150g of protein supplement per day. 

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Breast Lift Procedure

Breast Lift Procedure

This is a 36-year-old female patient 3 months after her breast lift procedure. She also had a tummy tuck to further transform her body and look her best!

Breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, is a cosmetic procedure to improve the appearance and aesthetics of the breasts. This procedure can address the drooping of a patient’s breasts. Breasts may drop for several reasons including age, gravity, pregnancy, and genetics, which causes the breast mounds to drop and look “saggy”.

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What is The Difference Between Lipedema and Lymphedema?

Unlike lymphedema, women suffer from the painful condition of lipedema mainly in their legs. One of the most notable differences is that feet are generally not involved in lipedema.

Lipedema tissue usually stops at the feet and causes the size of the trunk and the size of the legs to become disproportionate. The feet are usually normal in size when initially affected, but then swelling begins to develop from the level of the ankles.

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Best Tummy Tuck

Best Tummy Tuck

Five factors are critical to achieving the best tummy tuck results and they include:

  1. A narrowed waistline
  2. A low incision line
  3. An innie belly button
  4. Avoidance of dog ears
  5. Appropriate “~” tilde curve proportions

Narrowed waistline

Although this may not be intuitive, when you pull the abdominal skin down to re-drape it prior to trimming it you can actually lose some of your waistlines.

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