44-year-old male patient who underwentย High definition liposuctionย with VASER of the flanks, lower back, abdomen, miniย tummy tuck, chest masculinization
Understanding the High Definition Abdominal Contouring for the Large Weight Loss Male Patient
High definition abdominal contouring for the large weight loss male patient requires several considerations. First, it should be noted that these patients have significant skin redundancy because they have lost significant weight. Extensive skin redundancy prevents us from only considering liposuction which would result in further skin redundancy. It is of significance to note that skin redundancy following over-aggressive liposuction results in botched liposuction outcomes. So it goes without saying if we are to consider liposuction of the large weight loss male patient to achieve high definition outcomes, we must consider the excision of skin redundancy.
This leads us to a new paradigm for high definition abdominal contouring for the large weight loss of male patient. We propose a novel aggressive resection of abdominal skin to eliminate skin redundancy while avoiding unnecessary undermining to preserve appropriate blood flow. Avoidance of abdominal undermining is acceptable since male patients typically do not require exposure and repair of their abdominal muscles. Termed muscle plication, this maneuver requires undermining from the pubic region up to the ribs as well as wide-undermining spanning from one semilunar line to the other.
Meanwhile, preserving blood flow to the abdominal skin flap allows for high definition liposuction of the abdomen and the creation of muscle highlights to achieve high definition contouring results. In summary, we have developed a novel approach to high definition abdominal contouring for the large weight loss of male patients.
Lipoabdominoplasty for the large Weight loss male patient: the Modified abdominal Skin Resection
Previously, without high definition abdominal contouring, large weight loss male patients were limited in the outcomes that they could achieve in a single surgery. Patients had to undergo a staged surgical protocol involving skin reduction surgery followed by liposuction surgery performed over three months following the first surgery. Today, we have a novel and effective solution for large weight loss male patients desiring abdominal contouring outcomes.
Please see this 37-year-old male who took advantage of high definition abdominal contouring for the large weight loss male patient.