GMommy Lateral Thigh Tuck

GMommy Lateral Thigh Tuck
A 68 year old female who had high definition liposuction, a Brazilian buttock lift, tummy tuck, and lateral thigh tuck and buttock tuck – rear view
GMommy Lateral Thigh Tuck
A 68 year old female who had high definition liposuction, a Brazilian buttock lift, tummy tuck, and lateral thigh tuck and buttock tuck – rear view
GMommy Lateral Thigh Tuck
A 68 year old female who had high definition liposuction, a Brazilian buttock lift, tummy tuck, and lateral thigh tuck and buttock tuck – back right view
GMommy Lateral Thigh Tuck
A 68 year old female who had high definition liposuction, a Brazilian buttock lift, tummy tuck, and lateral thigh tuck and buttock tuck – back left view

The Gmommy lateral thigh tuck is a modification of a conventional extended tummy tuck. We describe this procedure as a definitive means of eliminating moderate to severe flank fullness. People often call this severe flank fullness as prominent “love handles“. The nuances of the GMommy lateral thigh tuck require discussion of the lateral abdominal adherence band. This band extends along the cutaneous retinacular ligament that is along the beltline.

Eliminating the Redundant Skin

Plastic surgeons use the traditional extended tummy tuck to eliminate moderate to extreme love handles. Love handles describes lower back and flank fullness that forms from redundant skin. Cutaneous retaining ligaments that form along the lateral belt line create this redundant skin. The GMommy lateral thigh tuck is a modification of the extended tummy tuck incision. It positions the incision line below the belt line to allow for not only the elimination of the love handles, but also the lifting and reduction of prominent lateral thighs.

The GMommy lateral thigh tuck takes advantage of the lateral hip and lateral thigh skin mobility. It utilizes an excision line that extends below the belt line and zone of adherence along the lateral abdominal region. It allows for elimination of lateral thigh fullness. Lateral mid thigh cutaneous retaining ligaments create lateral hip redundancy. This bunches up along another adherence zone creating lateral thigh fullness. By strategic design of the upper and lower excision lines it is possible to implement the elimination of both love handle prominence as well as lateral thigh fullness. 

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