Best Tummy Tuck

Best Tummy Tuck
tummy tuck patient 26 front left

Please observe this 36-year-old female following her tummy tucking and breast procedure with SurgiSculpt surgeons to return to her pre-pregnancy figure.

What makes SurgiSculpt tummy tucks considered world-renowned? If you desire the best tummy tuck possible, we encourage you to read about SurgiSculpt’s nationally recognized tummy tuck outcomes.

Factors Involved in a Tummy Tuck Surgery

Five factors are critical to achieving one of the best tummy tuck results, and these include:

  • A narrowed waistline
  • A low incision line
  • An “innie” belly button
  • Avoidance of dog ears
  • Exaggerated curves with smooth transitions

Narrowed waistline

Although this may not be intuitive, when you pull the abdominal skin down to re-drape it before trimming it, you can lose some of your waistlines. SurgiSculpt surgeons draw an analogy to a tent you put up; when the tent is stretched out, you make the skin tent up. As a result, SurgiSculpt surgeons have modified the undermining parameters of the traditional tummy tuck surgery to perform differential undermining.

Specifically, differential undermining limits the undermining performed over the lateral aspect of the abdomen at the waistline level; this ensures that the waistline does not get tented up and blunted when re-draping the skin down. In addition, when you tighten the abdominal muscles, this action will pull the lateral abdominal skin inward because if has yet to be widely undermined. This ability to further pull in the lateral abdominal skin will create an even more exaggerated waistline, called waistline snatching.

In summary, narrowing the waist is one of the secrets to achieving the best abdominal surgery results.

A low incision line

A low incision line is the most common complication. SurgiSculpt surgeons observe tummy tuck revision cases. When the incision line is placed too high, it will naturally create a shelf or step-off effect; his deformity can best be appreciated by looking at the belly from the side where the lower abdomen will create a step down to the pubic region. The step-off deformity is caused by an incision that is too high.

In contrast, the optimum incision line placement must be positioned low. Placing your incision down low will avoid this step-off deformity and ensure that the incision line is hidden. A hidden abdominal incision must hide underneath your undergarments or bikini bottoms. Which is low on the abdomen, will result in an invisible incision line and avoidance of this step deformity.

If you want to wear a two-piece bikini and show off your improved tummy appearance, you must ask for a low incision line tummy tuck surgical procedure!

An “innie belly button

An “innie” belly button is required for the best tummy tuck, which must appear natural and prevent others from noticing that you have had a tummy tuck. To have a natural appearing belly button, you must have the umbilical ring of the umbilical stalk hidden in the shadow of your new belly button well.

To create the desirable “innie” belly button, you must have your belly button stalk sewn down to your abdominal muscles so that when the re-draped skin is sewn back to your belly button stalk, it will be pulled down and the new belly button ring, called the new umbilicus fall within the shadow of the belly button.

To have the best tummy tuck results, you should expect a natural-appearing belly button to wear two-piece biking without being self-conscious about an operated-looking belly button.

Avoidance of Dog ears

Dog ears refer to prominences located in the flank area. When the abdominal skin is re-draped, trimmed, and repaired, there will be a natural tightening of the abdominal contour that will press out your lateral flanks. This is pushing out of the lateral abdominal skin, and soft tissues will create a pout where the loose skin bunches up. Even if you are compliant with wearing compression garments, it will remain prominent if not addressed during surgery.

If the prominence of the lateral abdomen is not addressed, it will naturally pout out and has been coined “dog ears” as it looks like the ears of a dog ears. If you address this, this prominence will ensure your outcome is maintained. At SurgiSculpt, dog ears are universally addressed with supplemental liposuction or extended tummy tuck. An extended tummy tuck accommodates excess skin and soft tissue fullness in the lateral abdomen and flank region.

Exaggerated curves with smooth transitions

The ideal Tilde curve of the torso describes the natural curve of the female torso from the front, which involves a slightly concavity upper and middle abdomen above the belly button, which then transitions to a slight convex curve below the belly button and onto the pelvis. Even though this curve can be exaggerated, it must possess smooth transitions.

This is achieved during the tummy tuck surgery’s muscle repair or plication portion. The upper muscle must be tightened slightly more to achieve this balance than the lower muscles.

If this is done incorrectly, patients will develop a “muffin top,” which can be described as a convex or more generous upper abdomen and a tightened concave lower abdomen that is not aesthetically suboptimal.

If you want to achieve the best tummy tuck possible, we encourage you to consult at SurgiSculpt. At your consultation, you will meet a SurgiSculpt surgeon for a comprehensive body contouring analysis and tour our state-of-the-art facility and surgical center.

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