Post Bariatric Surgery Diet

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Please see this 65-year-old who followed a disciplined post-bariatric surgery diet and is thrilled with her results.

At SurgiSculpt, we have a detailed preoperative protocol that details a post-bariatric surgery diet that prepares our patients for a safe and successful surgery. This diet should be focused on a diet rich in nutrients and maintaining a high blood count.

The Post-Bariatric Surgery Diet

Before surgery, patients are asked to have a diet focusing on high-protein foods such as red meat, chicken breasts, and eggs. A preoperative post-bariatric surgery diet should also be without fish as they are rich in fatty acids and may thin the blood before surgery.

High Protein Diet

SurgiSculpt surgeons ask their patients to have protein shakes between meals and to aim for a daily goal of 150 grams of protein supplement per day.

The high protein post-surgery diet is because this surgery requires various skin incisions. As such, the body must build back collagen to bridge the incisions during healing. Generous protein intake will allow optimizing your collagen production capacity.

Proteins are the building blocks for collagen, so maintaining a high-protein diet is crucial to healing. Another reason for the high protein diet is to prevent general edema. Edema occurs when there is fluid leakage out of your capillaries. High blood protein levels retain fluids in the blood vessels, preventing this leaking.

To ensure patients are ready for their post-bariatric surgery, we check the blood’s albumin and albumin levels before surgery. Additionally, we check the Iron levels in the blood.

Iron Supplement

SurgiSculpt surgeons recommend that patients take iron pills to eliminate any possible anemia before surgery. They will recommend diets with foods rich in iron, such as spinach, red meats, and turkey. These solid foods provide an effective means of replacing iron which will help boost your blood count.

Supplemental Vitamins

Vitamin B12 and Folate will also help supplement your post-bariatric surgery diet to produce more blood in the preoperative period. A minimum hemoglobin level of 13g/dL is required before post-bariatric surgeries, as blood loss can be more substantial when your surgical procedure involves extended incision lines.

A Healthy, Balanced Diet

Finally, after your post-bariatric surgery, it is important to maintain a healthy, balanced diet. This procedure is a big physical and financial commitment, and patients must maintain their results through good eating habits.

A healthy post-operative post-bariatric surgery diet should be rich in proteins with low to moderate fats and carbs. A balanced diet will ensure you keep looking your best for years!

If you are ready for this life-changing procedure, contact us at the SurgiSculpt for a complimentary consultation with our expert surgeons today!

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