This is a 31-year-old female one-month post-op following liposuction of the abdomen and bilateral flanks along with a mini-tummy tuck After C Section procedure.
Mini tummy tuck after a c-section is an extremely common request in the body contouring industry. A mommy makeover is one of the most popular procedures and involves returning female clients to their pre-pregnancy look.
Abdominal skin redundancy is very common following pregnancy and results in many moms searching to undergo a mini tummy tuck to correct their undesirable contour changes. Since C-section patients are left with an incision line over their lower abdomen, a mini tummy tuck can be palatable since it will replace the old incision with a new one. Moreover, it has become an extremely appealing option for patients desiring to tighten the skin over their lower abdomen. The major advantage of considering a mini tummy tuck after c-section is that an expert mini tummy tuck surgeon will place the incision line below the c-section scar. A lower incision line will make wearing a bikini bottom even more palatable.
Therefore, SurgiSculpt surgeons can provide patients with an aesthetically pleasing abdominal contour while hiding previous C-section scars! SurgiSculpt surgeons will ask patients who desire a mini tummy tuck to wait approximately three months following their pregnancy to consider a mini tummy tuck. This delay in undergoing a mini tummy tuck allows your abdominal wall to return to its pre-pregnancy state. This delay will allow your abdominal muscles to be evaluated. In a subset of patients, it is prudent to consider a full tummy tuck so that the abdominal muscles may be tightened. Another reason to delay a mini tummy tuck is to ensure that excess skin is limited to the lower abdomen. When loose skin is present above the belly button, a full tummy tuck may also be considered.
A final reason to wait for your mini tummy tuck after pregnancy is to ensure that they are at a stable weight when SurgiSculpt surgeons perform your physical examination to determine the perfect surgical plan to return patients to their dream body back. Most moms will observe dramatic weight loss, especially over the first three months after pregnancy. Returning to your goal weight before considering cosmetic treatments is prudent.
Mini Tummy Tuck After C-Section Results
Here is a mini tummy tuck patient before and after surgery performed by SurgiSculpt surgeons. Please appreciate the improved abdominal contour and the hidden, low incision line in the after pictures. If you want to get back to that pre-pregnancy body, book a free consultation with a SurgiSculpt surgeon today.
Please note an improvement in the belly button configuration from a horizontal cleft to an aesthetically vertical oval that is aesthetically pleasing in shape. Also, carefully examine the lack of any visible incision line due to the SurgiSculpt surgeon’s careful placement in the bikini line.