Gynecomastia Surgery with Skin Removal


This 29-year-old male patient underwent gynecomastia surgery with high-definition liposuction.

Gynecomastia surgery with skin removal is reserved for patients with feminized breasts and moderate-to-severe skin redundancy. Patients with moderate to severe skin redundancy will not benefit from removing the soft tissue bulk alone. This is because clients with a low degree of skin redundancy will not experience the required recoil observed in clients with minimal to moderate skin redundancy.

Skin redundancy concerns are worsened with age since the recoil protein, called elastin, is lost after age 45. Patients with extensive skin redundancy that results in breast sagging are usually massive weight loss patients or older patients. Gynecomastia surgery with skin removal results in the elimination of not only skin redundancy but also breast sagging.

Breast skin redundancy elimination Technique

Breast skin redundancy elimination is performed by a wedge excision of the inferior breast pole with excess skin and excess breast tissue excision lines positioned along the inframammary crease to hide the surgical incision line. Essentially, a wedge excision is performed along the lower aspect of the enlarged breast to eliminate the skin redundancy and fatty tissues along the inferior breast pole.

Since the nipple and areola are positioned lower on the breast, this surgery must be performed with a nipple and areola transposition to a more aesthetically optimized position. The new nipple areola position in males should be just above the new inframammary crease and lateral to the mid-mammary line. This is in contrast to female clients, who desire their nipples and areolas to be centered on their breast mounds and localized on the mid-mammary line.

If you are considering gynecomastia surgery and feel that you might have extensive breast skin redundancy or sagging, we encourage you to consult with one of our Surgisculpt consultants.

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