A 66-year-old female who had a tummy tuck, as well as a Brazilian buttock lift and high definition liposuction of the back and flanks – front right view
GMommy tummy tucks are unique. They must address sagging and fullness of the pubic region, fullness in the flanks, and sagging of the lateral thighs. GMommy changes result from prolonged effects of gravity on skin and soft tissue and nuances related to structures supporting skin and soft tissue cables. These supportive cables are cutaneous retaining ligaments. They attach the skin to the underlying muscles as they traverse across the fatty soft tissue layers and create adherence of the skin and soft tissues to the deeper structures. Their consequence is uneven stretching and falling of tissues that result in the unique needs of GMommies.
Sagging and fullness of the pubic region results from prolonged leaning of the saggy abdomen on the pubic region. There is a horizontal band located along the belt line that separates the abdomen from the pubic region. This tight belt band results in the abdominal fullness and sagging to hang over the belt line and lean on the pubic region.
Do I Need a GMommy Tummy Tuck?
Prolonged leaning of the lower abdominal skin on the pubic region literally pushes it down, creating sagging of the pubic region. Fullness in the flank or love handle region is another effect of aging. This is due to the prolonged effects of gravity on the lower and middle back. The retaining cutaneous ligaments stretch as an extension of the abdominal band along the flanks. These sagging tissues bunch up in the flank areas and form the undesirable love handles. Finally, sagging and prominence of the lateral thighs is a common concern for GMommies. This is a result of the tissues below the lateral retaining cutaneous ligament band sagging down and bunching up along a tertiary retaining cutaneous ligament located at the mid lateral thigh region. In summary, prolonged effects of gravity result in non-uniform distribution of skin and soft tissue redundancies and fullness characteristic of GMommy abdominal contouring needs.
GMommy Tummy Tuck to Fix a Full and Sagging Pubic Region
Conventional tummy tucks only improve the appearance of the tummy. This is because the placement of the traditional tummy tuck incision is positioned above retaining cutaneous ligament band. As a result, the pull of a conventional tummy tuck does not affect the pubic region. What makes The modification of the conventional tummy tuck incision below the abdominal band makes the GMommy tummy tucks unique. This modification of the incision line allows lifting and tightening a sagging pubis in addition to tucking the abdomen. Also, this modification allows for decreasing the volume of the pubic fullness to a more aesthetic, proportionate pubis.
GMommy Tuck to Eliminate Flank Fullness and Lateral Thigh Sagging
The second modification of the GMommy tummy tuck involves extending the conventional tummy tuck incision around the lateral hip region. The lateral thigh tuck incision is typically located above the lateral abdominal retinacular ligament band. This will help reduce the love handle prominence. However, this incision line placement will not affect the lateral thigh skin redundancy and fullness. In the GMommy tummy tuck, the lower central abdominal incision line is extended to below the lateral cutaneous retinacular ligament band. This allows for a pull on the lateral thigh as well as the flank region. Simultaneously, the upper excision line of the tummy tuck is positioned above the lateral abdominal retaining cutaneous ligament. As a result, you plastic surgeon can eliminate the love handle fullness as well as the lateral thigh fullness.
GMommy Tummy Tuck Conclusion
In summary, the GMommy Tummy Tuck involves specific modifications of the traditional tummy tuck to allow for correction of a full and ptotic pubic region as well as sagging lateral thighs. The GMommy tummy tuck is in contrast to the traditional tummy tuck that only addresses the fullness and redundancy of the tummy and love handles. A final consideration of the GMommy tummy tuck is whether loosened abdominal muscles, termed muscle diastasis, may require tightening using a plication repair. If you are a GMommy and want to create a customized surgical plan to correct your concerns, we encourage you to set up a consultation today.