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Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Lift Implant Revision

For women who have just had a breast lift with implants, although the results are not desirable, a breast lift implant revision may be necessary. A poorly performed breast lift implant can result in the breasts bottoming out. If your breasts are bottoming out, this is due to a few different reasons.

The first of these reasons is improper stitching of the ligament of the inframammary crease when insetting everything. Bottoming out also occurs when there is a lower pole left, and the other reason can be actually due to your own skin. This also occurs as the inferior breast pole was incet and made tighter than normal, so the result is bottomed out

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Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Augmentation Revision Of Severe Capsular Contraction

This patient demonstrates the amazing results of a breast augmentation revision of severe capsular contraction. When you receive a breast implant, your body naturally recognizes it as a foreign object and forms a layer of scar tissue around it.

This scar tissue creates your breast capsule and unfortunately contracts in some cases. This puts pressure on the implant which may change the positioning or even create chronic chest pain.

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Breast Augmentation Surgery

Capsular Contracture and Asymmetry

She needed both breast implants removed to ensure that her final appearance was both natural and symmetrical. A breast augmentation revision procedure must be done to correct capsular contracture and asymmetry to gives you the opportunity to correct your breast size as well.

Capsular contracture and asymmetry are two complications of breast augmentation procedures. While asymmetry is most often caused by an error on the part of the original surgeon, capsular contracture is a bit harder to the source.

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Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Augmentation Revision Of Aged Breast Implant

Breast augmentation revision of aged breast implants is designed to correct the sagging appearance of your prior breast augmentation surgery. Skin looseness is a natural and unavoidable consequence of aging. After the age of 40, the body begins to lose the ability to produce a protein called elastin that is responsible for much of our skin’s elastic ability. Therefore, even the best breast augmentation surgeries may need revision after several decades. 

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Breast Augmentation Surgery

Correction Of Implant Deflation

Correction of implant deflation refers to a breast augmentation revision that is used to remove and replace a deflated breast implant. However, each implant deflation case must be examined carefully and treated independently.

In this patient case, she had capsular contracture and left implant deflation as seen in the before photos. Additionally, since she had saline implants, the deflation was immediately noticeable due to the thin shell. She immediately began her search for the correction of implant deflation.

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Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Augmentation Revision Of Deflated Implants

breast augmentation revision of deflated related implants is extremely common revision surgery. Breast implant deflation is an unfortunate body contouring deformity seen in this patient here. Depending on your implant type (saline vs silicone), there are various ways to treat this contour irregularity.

This patient had prior breast augmentation surgery with saline implants. Saline deflation is evident almost instantly due to its thinner shell compared to the silicone. You can notice the evident deflated left implant in the before photos. Therefore, you must attend to this immediately to resolve the evident appearance of a deflated implant.

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Breast Lift Surgery

Will My Body Look Better After a Breast Reconstruction?

She demonstrates aesthetically pleasing breast contour as well as the improved contour of the back and abdomen as a result that proves a body look better after a breast reconstruction. 

If you are a patient who has undergone breast surgery for cancer or another breast illness, and you are at a stage where you can safely have a breast reconstruction procedure, then you may have many questions. A big question is, will my body look better after breast reconstruction? The answer can be a definite yes, but it is crucial to do your research and make a consultation with a well experienced, top-performing, board-certified plastic surgeon

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Breast Lift with Implant Augmentation to Increase Breast Mound Size, CPSI

Breast Lift with Implant Augmentation to Increase Breast Mound Size

If you are interested in increasing your breast mound size, a breast lift with implant augmentation to increase breast mound size is the definitive solution. This surgery is very versatile in correcting this issue because both the breast lift alone as well as the implant augmentation increase your breast mound size.

Performing the breast lift simultaneously with a trained breast specialist allows for an incredible transformation for anyone looking to increase breast mound size. 

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Tummy tuck before and after

Best Way to Get a Square Chest: The Masculinized Chest Appearance

One of the most common questions you will see on popular fitness and bodybuilding forums such as are “How do I get a square chest?” From people who are overweight to the most enthusiastic gym-goers, creating a manly chest shape seems to be a common problem.

This seemingly tiny detail in chest shape is absolutely crucial to achieving a strong, masculine chest. So, how do you get it?

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Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Augmentation Consultation

Once you find your doctor, the next step is to book your breast augmentation consultation. During your consultation, you and your doctor will initially discuss your medical history to ensure that you are healthy and safe to proceed with the surgery and anesthesia. You’ll then talk about your specific goals and what outcomes can be reasonably achieved. A good surgeon will be able to make recommendations and guide you towards the choice that will give you the best result.

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