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Virtual Cosmetic Surgery Consult

A virtual cosmetic surgery consult is an efficient way to explore your plastic surgery options.

Plastic surgery is a serious venture that will require you to temporarily sacrifice your social schedule, to miss work, and pay considerable fees. In return, the changes that you receive will alter your life hopefully in a positive way.

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A woman's breasts undergo a remarkable transformation through the best breast lift revision procedure.

Best Breast lift revision

Before describing the best approach or the best results for a breast lift revision, we first must understand why a breast lift is needed. It is also important to understand that breast lifts are very common following pregnancy or prior breast augmentation. This is because breast sagging will occur when the breast skin is stretched out from the breast mound becoming larger.

A breast lift will result in making the breasts perkier with a more desired, elevated nipple-areola position, improvement in breast shape and size symmetry, and a rounded lower breast pole shape and upper pole fullness. Now, there are several reasons why a breast lift revision may be needed.

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A woman's breast before and after surgery to fix breast Herniation.

How to fix breast Herniation

If you were wondering how to fix breast herniation, you will have to first appreciate what is a breast herniation. Breast herniation refers to contour irregularity of the breasts that occurs when a naturally occurring capsule that forms around the implant weakens and pouts out. A capsule forms around the entire implant and is basically a thin scar that walls off the implant from the body.

This is a normal process that occurs anytime a foreign element enters our body.  When contaminants enter these areas, further scar tissue can be laid down causing capsule thickening, called capsular contracture.

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Bilateral Breast Mastectomy and Reconstruction Provides Improved Cosmetic

Bilateral Breast Mastectomy and Reconstruction Provides Improved Cosmetic Results

Bilateral breast mastectomy and reconstruction provides improved cosmetic results since it ensures symmetric breast composition. One of the questions that I get routinely, is whether undergoing prophylactic mastectomy of the uninvolved breast along with reconstruction instead of only a unilateral breast mastectomy and reconstruction is beneficial to patients from a cosmetic standpoint.

As you all know, whether a patient may have indications to undergo a prophylactic mastectomy of the uninvolved breast or not is determined by your plastic surgeon. This consideration is ultimately made by your breast cancer surgeon and oncologist. It is also dependent on your family history of breast cancer and whether or not you test positive for the breast cancer gene. 

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How to Get Insurance Coverage for Breast Reduction

How to Get Insurance Coverage for Breast Reduction

n order to get insurance coverage for breast reduction, it is imperative to meet criteria that have been established by insurance companies for medical coverage. The premise for medical coverage is that your breast weight is creating torque on your upper back and neck strain. As such, your insurance company is expecting you to remove significant breast weight so that the weight removed relieves your neck strain.

Criteria established to figure out how much you must remove has been established and includes first calculating your body surface area. The body surface area is then used to cross-reference the weight of excisions required using the Schnur scale.

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Best Breast Reduction

Best Breast Reduction

Breast reduction in general is performed to reduce the weight of breast tissues that can pull on your upper back and neck. However, these functional considerations should not neglect aesthetic priorities. As a result, breast reduction is achieved by utilizing optimal incision patterns that take into consideration each patient required breast tissue elimination needs. 

As such, patients must undergo a comprehensive evaluation to determine where the breast fullness and drooping are located. The reduction is achieved then by customizing the incision lines to address all of the problem spots with regards to redundant skin as well as the breast prominences with regards to glandular tissues and fat.

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A woman's breast before and after surgery, showing the elimination of neck fullness.

Fixing Capsular Contracture Deformities

Correcting breast asymmetry must consider both shape and size differences between the two breasts. Asymmetry may involve several factors relating to the nipple and areola complex as well as the breast mound. The nipple and areola complex may vary in size and shape as in position.

Often one nipple and areola may demonstrate moderate to severe sagging while the opposite nipple and areola are not sagging at all. Moreover, one breast may demonstrate a herniated areola complex that is enlarged in comparison to the other areola. This need correcting breast asymmetry.

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Correcting Breast Asymmetry

Correcting Breast Asymmetry

Correcting breast asymmetry must consider both shape and size differences between the two breasts. Asymmetry may involve several factors relating to the nipple and areola complex as well as the breast mound. The nipple and areola complex may vary in size and shape as in position.

Often one nipple and areola may demonstrate moderate to severe sagging while the opposite nipple and areola are not sagging at all. Moreover, one breast may demonstrate a herniated areola complex that is enlarged in comparison to the other areola. This need correcting breast asymmetry.

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Correcting Congenital Breast Deformity

Correcting Congenital Breast Deformity

Correcting congenital breast deformity requires differential analysis and a customized surgical plan for each breast. This is because embryologically, each breast develops independently to the other. Thus, in a single patient, we will often observe and underdeveloped in one breast yet an overdeveloped breast in the other.

The underdeveloped breast often lacks both mound volume and demonstrates a herniated nipple and areola complex. This is because the underdeveloped breast mound is often contracted and does not allow the glandular tissue to grow out. Instead, the glandular tissue pushes out on the areola region causing it to herniate out despite a lack of mound volume.

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Boob Job to Fix Operated Looking Breasts

Boob Job to Fix Operated Looking Breasts

Boob’s job to fix operated looking breasts requires proper planning to eliminate causes of the operated look. In order to eliminate the undesirable factors, we must acknowledge the factors first. After identification of these factors, your surgeon will customize a boob job to fix operated looking breasts.

The first reason for the operated looking breasts is a sharp breast implant outline. This will appear as a sharp demarcation of the breast implant and chest junction making the breasts look fake. This sharp outline is created by two side effects. The first involves choosing an implant that is too large.

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