
A woman's breasts before and after a breast lift.

Post-Bariatric Body Cost-SurgiSculpt

Post-Bariatric Surgery in Orange County is an essential and final component in the body transformation journey. Following weight loss, patients will observe a decrease in total body fat but the minimal resolution of unwanted redundant skin. Accumulation of redundant skin does become not only a burden psychologically but also an obstacle to physical activity.

Patients who see Newport Beach Plastic Surgeon, SurgiSculpt, for a consultation for post-bariatric surgery often complain that despite having been dedicated to losing incredible amounts of weight, they continue to carry large amounts of skin that precludes them from exercise, outdoor activities, and fitting into smaller sized clothes.

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post bariatric

After Gastric Bypass Surgery-Plastic Surgery

As weight-loss surgeries such as a gastric bypass increase in popularity (up 10% year over year since 2015), plastic surgeons have become inundated with requests for skin reduction surgery. Once patients have lost their weight, they desire their redundant skin to be removed in order to complete their body transformation.

When the skin is stretched past a certain point, it will not retain its original elastic ability after the loss of weight. Imagine an inflated balloon, once the air is completely deflated, there is still some residual laxity that is caused by blowing it up all the way. This is where plastic surgery after gastric bypass surgery comes to play.

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Body lift before and after weight loss.

Body Lift After Weight Loss

In 2020, plastic surgeons are seeing more and more requests for a body lift after weight loss. This may be due to the increasing popularity and effectiveness of weight loss surgery or growing trends towards dieting and getting in shape. Regardless of how you achieved your weight loss transformation, it is likely that you are now left with some degree of skin laxity as a res.

Understandably, it can be incredibly frustrating to have gone through all the time, effort, and money to lose weight and still be short of your dream body. However, a body lift after weight loss could answer all your body contouring concerns and get you the dream body you always desired.

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Plastic Surgery before and after Tummy Tuck.

Plastic Surgery After Weight Loss

Plastic surgery after weight loss is an ever-growing area of plastic surgery that is truly transforming for each and every patient. According to the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery, this past decade has seen a near 100% increase in weight-loss surgeries.

Bariatric surgeries are an incredibly effective way to reduce a significant volume of total body fat. However, this surgery fails to address the creation of excessive skin redundancy that is created following weight loss and a decrease in fat cell volume.

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Tummy tuck before and after / Insurance Coverage for Body Lift

Body Contouring Post Bariatric Surgery

If you are a post-bariatric patient or an individual who requires a body lift, you may be wondering, “Will insurance cover a body lift?” This question warrants an understanding of a body lift as well as your insurance coverage. A body lift is done when a patient has excess, redundant, overhanging skin that is causing a functional problem.

This can be seen from weight loss patients or elder patients that do not have tight skin elasticity.

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Bariatric tummy tuck before and after.

All you need to know about Post Bariatric Body Contouring Surgery

A post-bariatric body lift is an effective cosmetic procedure for post gastric bypass and sleeve patients that involves the excision and tightening of redundant skin. After undergoing bariatric surgery, such as a gastric sleeve, many patients find that they have deflated skin. These areas of deflation and excess, redundant skin, are often seen in the chest, arms, abdomen, and thighs.

The loose, hanging skin demonstrates why post-bariatric body lifts are in demand. Previous weight gain stretches the skin and along with the loss of elasticity especially with increasing age, results in the need for surgical excision and tightening of the skin in order to achieve a more proportionate reshaped body.

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Mommy Makeover - Upper Belly Fullness

Tips For Fast Recovery After VASER Liposuction

Tips for fast recovery after VASER liposuction are unique to VASER liposuction requirements. Integral to VASER liposuction is the use of ultrasound energy to cavitate or melt the fat into a liquid state.

This means that the fat throughout your body will no be in a liquid state for approximately 8 to 10 days. As you might assume, anything liquid is very mobile and will tend to accumulate in the most dependent locations. In fact, a few days following surgery, you will find yourself increasing your activity, getting out of your bed, and walking and roaming around.

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Thigh Lipo

VASER Liposuction of Thighs

Excess fat in each thigh must be evaluated independently as most individuals present with variable sized and shaped thighs. Furthermore, the degree of fat excess in the medial versus the lateral thighs varies significantly. The medial thighs tend to possess fat in the superficial layer whereas the lateral thighs carry their fat in the deep layer. As such, VASER liposuction in the thighs requires administration of ultrasound in two separate layers.

Following the administration of ultrasound, liposuction should be performed only in the superficial plane whereas liposuction should be performed only in the deep plane. This differentiation in fat layer removal is also critical when you consider anatomic differences and contour goals.

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Post-bariatric Tummy Tuck

Post-bariatric Tummy Tuck

A board-certified plastic surgeon, SurgiSculpt, can give you the very best post bariatric tummy tuck results. An abdominoplasty, commonly referred to as a tummy tuck, is a cosmetic procedure that removes extra fat and skin to reduce the torso bulk, while also tightening the abdominal wall muscles.

urgiSculpt sets several goals to ensure the best tummy tuck outcomes. These goals include creating:

  1. A maximally narrowed waistline in order to exaggerate an hourglass figure
  2. An innie belly button that can be shown off even when wearing a two-piece bikini
  3. A low incision line that is hidden in your undergarments
  4. Proper differential to muscle tightening that will provide aesthetic contour lines with an upper concave and lower convex abdomen
  5. Avoidance of lateral flank prominence termed dog ears
  6. Highlights of your abdominal muscles when feasible

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Mommy Makeover To Improve Belly Button Position

The abdomen is the primary concern for the majority of mommy makeover patients. Fortunately, the excess fat and significant skin stretching that accompanies any pregnancy can be instantly eliminated by a full tummy tuck.

What many people do not know is that there is an ideal belly button position on the body and he found a way to improve belly button position that significantly enhances the harmony between the belly, torso and breasts.

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