Please admire this 67-year-old female following high-definition liposuction and Renuvion skin tightening of the arms.
Arm lift surgery without a scar is now possible not only for minimal skin redundancy but also for moderate skin redundancy as well. Traditionally, arm lift patients who desired arm lift surgery without a scar could only be performed for minimal skin redundancy because accommodation of loose skin could not be offered without excision of excess skin and a subsequent visible scar.
Limitations of Arm Lift Surgery Without A Scar Surgery
Traditionally, only patients with minimal skin redundancy could undergo arm lift surgery without a scar. However, in 2018 the introduction of Helium activated radiofrequency, i.e., Renuvion technology, provided the impetus for skin tightening without visible scarring.
Renuvion technology utilizes Helium activated plasma and radiofrequency combined energies to provide controlled skin heating using a wand delivery system. The delivery of this energy, called subdermal coagulation, produces radiofrequency energy, heating collagen molecules. The heating of collagen molecules denatures the collagen molecules, which then shorten in length, much like being shrink-wrapped.
The scarless arm lift starts by creating small entry holes. These holes are used to infiltrate tumescent solution to numb the nerves and constrict blood vessels in preparation for liposuction. Next, hollow bore cannulas are used to remove the fat deposits. We recognize the maximum capacity for skin redundancy only after all of the fat is removed. We administer subdermal coagulation using Renuvion J plasma to tighten the skin. This radiofrequency energy is administered via a wand that is extended through the same port holes used for liposuction. As such, this surgical procedure avoids any additional incision lines. This technology contrasts traditional arm lift surgery, which requires an extended excision line to eliminate excess skin.
Coined Brachioplasty, this cosmetic surgery had several limitations. First, it requires prolonged recovery of weeks after surgery. Second, the incision lines require several years to heal before being presentable. As such, Brachioplasty surgery is reserved for patients with severe skin laxity.
Today, arm lift surgery without a scar is possible for patients with minimal and moderate skin redundancy. Surgery without a scar is very attractive to younger patients who do not want the stigma of an incision line and older patients who do not want to undergo more invasive surgical incisions.