How Do I Avoid the Operated Look Following Abdominal Liposuction?

abdominal liposuction left view
abdominal liposuction front left view

Please see this 52 who had an amazing result following abdominal liposuction, although, at the early one-month period, she demonstrated the operated look following abdominal liposuction.

Avoiding the operated look following abdominal liposuction requires both surgical and post-surgical considerations. The most common cause of the operated look following abdominal liposuction is creating skin redundancy.

When the skin becomes redundant, the excess skin does not know where to settle; thus, it ends up settling down randomly. This uneven settling of the skin results in an unnatural appearance. As such, when considering the removal of fat deposits from the abdomen, it is necessary to consider skin redundancy. When excess skin is present preoperatively, it is necessary to implement a skin tightening or skin reduction surgery during your liposuction procedure.

Skin reduction Options

Several measures can be taken preoperatively to avoid skin redundancy. Patients are evaluated using the high-definition body liposuction body scale regarding their fat excess and skin redundancy.

To avoid the operated look following abdominal liposuction, patients with minimal to moderate skin redundancy should undergo scar-less Renuvion skin tightening to supplement their liposuction. Patients with moderate to severe skin redundancy are recommended strategic skin excisions intended to remove skin redundancy more aggressively.

Postoperatively, it is critical to appropriately manage the post-inflammatory response that results in generalized swelling of the subcutaneous skin layer to avoid the operated look following abdominal liposuction. The post-inflammatory response will result in stretching out of the skin and a fibrotic and operated look of the skin.

How to Avoid the Operated Look Following Abdominal Liposuction?

When patients are suspected of skin redundancy following surgery, it is prudent to intervene during the healing process. Even two weeks after surgery, patients may undergo topical radiofrequency that can be extended through six weeks which counters the post-inflammatory scar tissue buildup. Minimizing scar tissue formation is important in the setting of redundant skin. This is because the scar tissue will randomly create traction of the soft tissues and skin, not in line with natural contour lines.

Another measure to reduce the risk of scar formation is the use of Accolade, which is utilized routinely starting two weeks before surgery and for two months after surgery in an attempt to counter the post-inflammatory scar tissue buildup based on its efficacy to counter capsular contracture in breast surgery patients.

The final consideration to avoid the operated look following abdominal liposuction is time. The body is truly amazing, and over six months following surgery; the body will continue to even out the junction between liposuctioned areas and not suction. Patients are advised as early as their initial consultation regarding their recovery process and the need to be patient regarding their outcome. Outcomes will not be appreciated in the early days after surgery as proper recovery will take months to appreciate. Light exercise may be initiated two weeks following surgery, and strenuous physical activity may be initiated one month after fat removal.

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