Tummy Tuck Alternative

tummy tuck patient 31 front left view
tummy tuck patient 31 front

Please see our 47-year-old female who underwent a mini tummy tuck for her abdominal contouring as well as Renuvion skin tightening and liposuction over her back.

Tummy tuck alternatives include a less invasive mini tummy tuck or minimally invasive Renuvion J plasma skin tightening. A full tummy tuck provides the advantage of removing maximum skin from your belly. With a full tummy tuck, patients may remove the skin from their pubic region to above their belly button and tighten their abdominal muscles. A tummy tuck surgery is the best way to make you look less bloated.

Two tummy tuck alternatives exist, including a mini tummy tuck or Renuvion J plasma.

A mini tummy tuck option removes a wedge excision from the pubic and lower abdominal region below the belly button. The indications for a mini tuck include:

a) Minimal to moderate skin redundancy compared to moderate to severe skin redundancy that can be accommodated with a full tummy tuck.

b) Minimal muscle looseness, medically termed diastasis. Since a mini tummy tuck avoids extensive undermining, it does not allow access to the abdominal muscles, which, as a result, cannot be optimally tightened.

The mini tummy tuck alternative to a tummy tuck.

A mini tummy tuck provides several advantages to the full tummy tuck. The first advantage is the ability to undergo simultaneous liposuction of the entire abdomen due to limited undermining. This is in contrast to a full tummy tuck surgery which does not allow for any liposuction due to extensive soft tissue undermining. Following a consultation at SurgiSculpt, patients can determine whether a mini tummy is a more effective tummy tuck alternative based on their needs.

The Renuvion J plasma skin tightening alternative to a tummy tuck

Renuvion J plasma technology utilizes helium-activated radiofrequency energy to tighten the skin with minimally invasive maneuvers. The skin can be tightened by narrow probes delivered through small port holes measuring 4mm in length. The energy is delivered to the undersurface of the skin dermis via a small plasma flame that results in collagen shortening and skin tightening, termed subdermal coagulation.

Subdermal coagulation skin tightening can be performed in less than 5 minutes per area. Areas that can be treated include the arms, abdomen, upper back, middle back, lower back, flanks, and thighs. The main advantage of Renuvion technology is that it can be performed simultaneously with liposuction.

Tummy Tuck Alternatives Conclusion

We provide two tummy tuck alternatives to our body contouring patients when skin redundancy needs to be addressed. The first s a mini tummy tuck that can be combined with liposuction to provide natural shadows and muscle highlights. The second is Renuvion J plasma which can counter skin redundancy without an incision. If you want a tummy tuck alternative surgery, please get in touch with our SurgiSculpt providers today.

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