Safest breast implants must provide several factors that include safeguarding against malpositioning as well as a safeguard against the silicone molecules oozing out of the implant shell. The most critical safeguard against malpositioning is to make sure that your implants are round and that you choose implants that are smooth in shell texture.
Round implants versus tear-dropped implants will ensure perfect symmetry even when they rotate. This is, in contrast, to tear-dropped implants prone to malpositioning and breast deformity when rotating.
Although I have never advocated tear-dropped implants, they were popular for a brief period between 2010 and 2014, and I had the unfortunate opportunity to remove many of them in patients who developed deformities.
Another important malposition consideration for the safest breast implants is that they are smooth-shelled. This is because the alternative breast implant textured in its shell is sticky and will stick to the tissues around it.
This can become a problem as your breasts age and start naturally sagging; the textured implant shell will not slide down with your breasts and get stuck over the upper aspect of your breast. This deformity is called the “snoopy deformity” and routinely requires revision breast surgery. Breast implants must safeguard against silicone molecules oozing out of the implant shell. The propensity for silicone molecules oozing out of the implant shell, called bleeding, can occur either when the shell is too thin, or the silicone molecules are not linked tightly.
Silicone molecule interlinking density will make the molecules less apt to diffuse freely through the solid shell. If the linking density is too high, the gell on the inside will be too firm and feel unnatural.
When too loose, the internal gell may feel soft, but it will make the silicone molecules more apt to bleed. The next consideration is the shell. It goes without saying that the thicker the solid silicone shell, the less likely that free molecules will ooze out since the thicker shell will act as a barrier.
The safest breast implants we have used include the Natrelle Allergan Inspira Cohesive smooth implants. These implants provide the thickest shells among the three breast implant brands. In addition, the internal gell silicone molecule interlinking density has been optimized to provide an ideal gell feel while avoiding silicone bleeding.
Today’s safest breast implants must avoid recent concerns of ALCL, a rare form of lymphoma attributed to textured shell implants. The Natrelle Allergan Inspira Cohesive smooth implants mentioned above have this final precaution covered by being smooth-shelled implants.
If you are considering a breast augmentation and would like to have the safest breast implants, please make a complimentary in-house consultation so that SurgiSculpt surgeons can show you all of the available implants in the states and show you why the Natrelle Allergan Inspira Cohesive implants are the best.
Please see this 22-year-old female who took advantage of the safest breast implants available today.