What is VASER High Definition Liposuction?
What is VASER high definition liposuction? The nomenclature is describing the fact that VASER liposuction is the best modality to achieve high definition results. Let’s look into why VASER is able to provide high definition outcomes.
VASER is a Game Changer
VASER High definition liposuction has been coined to identify liposuction results that are “jaw-dropping”. You can appreciate “Jaw-dropping” results when a plastic surgeon radically transforms body contours. The ultimate goal is always achieving a PERFECT 10 body. Surgeons consider VASER high-definition liposuction a “Game Changer” in the body contouring arena as it allows your surgeon to precisely sculpt your body to previously unattainable results.
How to Achieve High Definition Results
Two factors are critical to attaining high definition liposuction results. The 1st requires mastery in the use of VASER technology which is unique as it allows comprehensive, yet controlled and uniform removal of ALL layers of fat from your problem areas. Traditional liposuction is limited to the removal of only partial deep fat and none from the superficial fat. VASER high definition liposuction allows for controlled and comprehensive removal of both the superficial and deep fat to create TRANSFORMATIVE results. Mastery requires:
- Understanding VASER capacity
- Appropriate training in VASER application
- Surgical experience with VASER technology
- Artistic approach to sculpting the body
- Intimate knowledge of muscle anatomy
- Accurate preoperative high definition markings
The 2nd factor emphasizes the importance of “Patient Selection”. VASER high definition liposuction strives to achieve a near-perfect 9 or 10 body. To create this 10, your surgeon must consider both the degree of excess fat as well as texture quality and amount of redundant skin. As such, the High Definition Liposuction (HDL) Body Scale has been designed to:
- Define “Patient Selection” parameters
- Guide customized surgical designs
- Objectify improvements in patient results
The HDL Body Scale
The HDL Body Scale ranges between 2 to 10 points and takes into account volume of excess fat, skin quality, and degree of skin redundancy. For example, if you have excellent skin tone and only minimal to moderate fat (HDL Body Scale of 7 to 8 points), then VASER liposuction alone will help you achieve a near perfect 9 or 10 result. If you have more skin redundancy, then your procedure may require skin tightening. A plastic surgeon can perform skin tightening using minimally invasive Renuvion J Plasma subdermal coagulation (minimal to moderate skin redundancy HDL Body Scale 6 to 7 points), or a simultaneous mini-tucking procedure (moderate to severe skin redundancy HDL Body Scale 5 to 6 points), or a staged full-tucking procedure prior to VASER Liposuction (HDL Body Scale of 1 to 3 points). (Please see: High Definition Liposuction (HDL) Body Scale.
If your are unhappy about your body and are looking for a dramatic transformation, then your solution is VASER high definition liposuction. Whether you work out regularly or are too busy to get to the gym, VASER liposuction will help you look your Very Best. After VASER high definition liposuction you will absolutely fall in love with your body and appreciate your complete transformation every time you stare in the mirror!
Contouring Transformations: VASER High Definition Liposuction Body Scale
When attempting to provide body contouring clients dramatic results, patient selection is the FIRST step to success. This involves assessing the degree of fat excess, skin redundancy, as well as quality of skin texture. Degree of fat excess will determine whether comprehensive fat is removed or selective degree of fat removal is employed. Degree of skin redundancy will dictate whether less invasive technologies such as the Renuvion J plasma will be sufficient or whether a simultaneous mini-tuck or even staged full-tucking procedure will be required.
As such, each body contouring client is evaluated independently, in order to create a surgical design that will most dramatically improve their given body contour. Patients are assigned a score based on a High Definition Liposuction (HDL) Body Scale. Patients can then be customized a surgical plan with the intent to getting them to a near perfect 9 or 10. The HDL Body Scale ranges from 2 to 10 points (10 being the most desirable and TRUE high definition liposuction result) as below:
9 to 10 Points
– Denotes near perfection or a TRUE high definition liposuction result
7 to 9 Points
– Minimal to moderate fat excess
– Tight skin
– Excellent texture of skin
6 to 7 Points
– Minimal to moderate fat excess
– Minimally loose skin
– Good texture of skin
5 to 6 Points
– Moderate to severe fat excess
– Moderate loose skin
– Localized poor texture of skin
2 to 5 Points
– Moderate to severe fat excess
– Severe skin redundancy
– Diffusely poor textured skin
The HDL Body Scale allows experienced VASER surgeons to effectively address contouring concerns with unique and strategic surgical designs intended to strive towards a near perfect 9 or 10 result.
Patients with a score of 7 to 8 can benefit from VASER Liposuction alone which will remove fat comprehensively. In these patients, VASER liposuction alone can result in a high definition liposuction outcome result such as the creation of a 6 pack in the male abdomen and an exaggerated curve in females as a result of maximal reduction of the waistline.
Patients with a score of 6 to 7 will benefit from a simultaneous VASER liposuction and minimally invasive skin tightening modality. The minimally invasive Renuvion subdermal coagulation technology allows for the tightening of minimal to moderate amounts of skin redundancy while avoiding cutting of skin and long excision lines.
VASER Liposuction and Various Tucking Procedures
Patients with a score of 5 to 6 will benefit from a simultaneous VASER liposuction and limited tuck procedure. This includes procedures such as a mini tummy tuck, reverse tummy tuck, lateral thigh tuck, upper body tuck, medial thigh tuck, or brachioplasty. These tucking procedures will allow your surgeon to commit to comprehensive fat removal rather than selective fat removal. Comprehensive fat removal will optimize your contouring results while the mini-tucking procedures will avoid irregularities related to skin looseness.
Patients with a score of 2 to 5 will benefit from a staged full tucking procedure. This includes procedures such as a full tummy tuck or lower body lift that will remove all redundant and poorly textured skin prior to undergoing VASER liposculpture. You can consider stage two as early as three months following these initial tucking procedures. At this point, the second and final stage provides comprehensive fat removal with VASER technology.
The HDL Body Scale allows experienced VASER surgeons to effectively address contouring concerns with strategic surgical designs intended to achieve a near-perfect 9 or 10 result.
HDL Body Scale is CRITICAL to Dictating Surgical Protocol and achieving High Definition Results (9-10)
HDL Body Scale Treatment
Conclusion: What is VASER High Definition Liposuction?
In summary, VASER High Definition Liposuction describes the ability of ultrasound energy to remove fat comprehensively to achieve natural shadows and unveil muscle highlights. When performing liposuction to this degree, it becomes important to consider skin redundancy. This is why the HDL Body Scale in conjunction with VASER allows SurgiSculpt surgeons to achieve superior cosmetic outcomes.