48-year-old female patient following her Brazilian buttock lift.
Looking for a Jennifer Lopez butt? JLo, short for Jennifer Lopez, is a singer, actress, dancer, and mother. Everyone knows this Hollywood sweetheart and her bootylicious figure. You’ve probably heard the rumors that butt is insured for $27 million, so is it true? According to JLo herself, this is not true, but who could blame her if she did decide to insure her booty? Jenny from the Block is credited for being one of the first celebrities to embrace her figure, flaunting her backside and curves for years. Many consider Jennifer Lopez to have a toned butt, and some say she has a perfect butt. It is now part of her body confidence, right up there with Kim Kardashian. When Jennifer Lopez performs on stage or in a music video, she features all her sexy attributes.
Before we talk about J Lo’s butt and how she got her popular booty, let’s talk about the anatomy of the muscles that make up the buttocks. Our butts are composed of three main muscles โ the gluteus minimus, medius, and Maximus โ as well as the fat that lies over them. These three muscles originate from the ilium and sacrum and insert onto the femur, our long thigh bone. You might be wondering what the purpose of these muscles is other than to look good. These muscles help extend, abduct, externally rotate, and internally rotate the hip joint. Additionally, the muscles help stabilize the pelvis.
Jennifer Lopez’s butt would be classified as having conservative width fullness along the mid butt at the level of the lateral hips and maximum projection at the mid-upper buttock. The star’s buttock aesthetics correlates with the strong, enlarged gluteus medius and maximus muscles. Her butt lift appearance correlates directly with her years of dancing and hard work at the gym. So now that we’ve talked about JLo’s BBL and how she got her famous backside, let’s discuss what a BBL is. A BBL is a cosmetic procedure that combines liposuction and fat grafting, resulting in added volume, defined curves, and a lift of the buttocks. Each individual has a different preference for what they want from a BBL. How do we help you achieve the best booty results for yourself? Using the BBL Assessment Tool, Dr. Laguna helps you identify subtle differences in buttock shape and size. What best describes these differences in preference has been coined California versus Miami BBL.
Referring to the BBL Assessment Tool, the Miami BBL creates an overly generous buttock size with maximum fullness over the upper, middle, and lower buttock region. The Miami BBL is typically desired by patients with fuller hips with more generous medial/lateral thighs. In contrast, the California BBL has conservative, maximum fullness isolated to the middle pole. That said, J. Lo has more of a California BBL, which is desired by patients that are more athletic and possess leaner legs.
If you have tried diet and exercise to get yourself the booty you want and are having a difficult time achieving your booty dreams, we have a surgical solution for you. BBL surgery has advanced significantly over the last few years, both in its safety considerations as well as its aesthetic ideals.