Mini Tummy Tuck vs Full Tummy Tuck | SurgiSculpt

Mini Tummy Tuck vs Full Tummy Tuck

mini tummy tuck patient 8 front right
mini tummy tuck patient 8 before and after

47-year-old female eight months following full tummy tuck surgery with muscle plication and liposuction of lateral thighs. Please note the excess skin above the belly button before surgery.

There are several tools a trained cosmetic surgeon can use to create the ideal abdominal contour. SurgiSculpt surgeons utilize the High Definition Liposuction body scale to determine how to transform a patient into a perfect 9 or 10 contour. Using the SurgiSculpt protocol, you can appreciate whether you would be best served by undergoing a mini tummy tuck vs. a full tummy tuck procedure here.

Factors Affecting Choice in a Mini Tummy Tuck vs. Full Tummy Tuck

One must consider a few different factors when it comes to a mini tummy tuck vs. a full tummy tuck:

  1. You must appreciate the location and the amount of loose skin.
  2. You must consider the extent and quality of skin texture changes.
  3. It would help if you determined whether abdominal muscle tightening is necessary.

A mini tummy tuck removes mild to moderate degrees of skin excess skin located below the belly button. Instead, a full tummy tuck will allow a surgeon to address the excess skin above the belly button. The patient’s muscle tone and quality is the other major factor in a mini tummy tuck vs. full tummy tuck decision.

A mini tuck does not allow a surgeon to tighten a patient’s muscles. Please examine this patient’s before and after photos below to appreciate the preoperative examination required to detail your ideal surgery.

The major advantage of qualifying for a mini tummy tuck is that SurgiSculpt surgeons may simultaneously use VASER liposuction of the surrounding areas to provide remarkable results with their waistline narrowing and abdominal etching expertise.

However, suppose a full tuck is necessary, and you desire muscle highlights. In that case, you must complete the procedure staged and wait for the tucking procedure to heal before VASER liposuction.

To find out how to look your best, book a consultation with a SurgiSculpt surgeon today. During your consultation, we will discuss the advantages of a mini tummy tuck, including shorter incisions, creating muscle highlights, eliminating stretch marks along the lower abdomen, and a quicker recovery time. The advantages of a full tummy tuck include removing saggy skin below and above the belly button and correcting muscle laxity in the lower and upper abdomen. However, it does require longer recovery periods.

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