Liposuction Recovery

Liposuction Recovery

The patient underwent mini-tummy tuck and liposuction of the belly and fat grafting to the breast and buttocks.

Liposuction recovery protocols have undergone significant changes over the last decade. The advent of ultrasound-assisted liposuction has not only transformed outcomes but also required major revisions in postoperative recovery.

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction converts solid fat into a fluid state. As such, much more fat can be removed than was previously possible with traditional liposuction techniques. In addition, the retained liquid fat can smoothly settle postoperatively, thus avoiding contour irregularities.

Lymphatic Massage for Liposuction Recovery

The regimented liposuction recovery protocol is one of the secrets to obtaining smooth results. All our liposuction patients must commit to at least five lymphatic massages performed over the first week to 10 days following surgery.

Liposuction recovery protocols have undergone significant changes over the last decade. The advent of ultrasound-assisted liposuction has not only transformed outcomes but also required major revisions in postoperative recovery.

Ultrasound-assisted liposuction converts solid fat into a fluid state. As such, much more fat can be removed than previously possible with traditional liposuction techniques. In addition, the retained liquid fat can smoothly settle postoperatively, thus avoiding contour irregularities.

The regimented liposuction recovery protocol is one of the secrets to obtaining smooth results. All our liposuction patients must commit to at least five lymphatic massages performed over the first week to 10 days following surgery.

This liposuction recovery regimen ensures optimal settling of the liquid fat and prevents contour irregularities. Lymphatic messages last 1 to 1.5 hours, depending on the extent of body contouring performed.

The lymphatic massages include a 10-minute ultrasound of the nodal basin to stimulate lymphatic flow and then strategic lymphatic messages that drain any liquefied fat to the nodal basins or to drains kept in place for the first week.

Optimizing liposuction recovery also requires customized compression garments with individually fitted foam in-lays. Patients are asked to wear these compression garments around the clock over the first two weeks to avoid undue swelling.

Finally, liposuction recovery urges patients to return to physical activity no later than three weeks following surgery. Return to the gym is encouraged if patients feel comfortable working out for at least two weeks.

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