
A man with a beard before and after a rejuvenating facelift.

Face Lift Age Recommendations

A 55-year-old male from Rossmore, CA 3 months following face and neck lift with upper and lower eyelid surgery and alarm rim grafts to the right ear as SurgiSculpt’s Face Lift Age Recommendations suggests.

Getting a facelift is not directly associated with age but rather with the aging of the body, and especially the face in this specific scenario. Facelifts can be done between the ages of 40 and 80, respectively. A face lift age recommendation may also be presented to each patient to obtain optimal result.

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A man's face undergoes a transformation before and after a facelift procedure.

Facelift Preparation

With proper facelift preparation, please see this 74-year-old male from Laguna Beach 3 months following upper and lower eyelid surgery and face and neck lift.

When a patient decides to go forward with their facelift operation, there is a lot more that goes into the process than just showing up and going under the anesthesia for the operation. Facelift preparation not only helps the doctors with the procedure and make things less stressful for them but also aids the patient in stopping them from obtaining any problems. Generally, the most common problem after getting a facelift is a hematoma, which is caused by blood thinners (such as fish oil and aspirin) and not taking your blood pressure meds.

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A man with a beard and glasses before and after undergoing a facelift.

Can a facelift go wrong?

How can a facelift go wrong? There are multiple ways a facelift surgery can go wrong, and that is why you always want to go with an expert, experienced, and artistic surgeon to gain the best results. Some of the ways a facelift operation may go wrong are that not enough skin is removed.

Are you someone who is seriously looking into getting a facelift, but are extremely worried about the things that can go wrong or how can a facelift go wrong? SurgiSculpt is a world-renowned plastic surgeon who is especially good with the artistic aspect of the surgery and the detailed sculpting of a facelift; therefore, he can create some of the most spectacular results, with little to no room for error.

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Face Lift and Neck

Neck Lift Scars

Unappealing neck lift scars are typically avoided due to the surgical technique and leverage utilized by Dr. Mowavi. Neck lift incisions typically follow around the ear strategically so that incision lines are not visible.

In the front of the ear, the incision follows the helical root and cheek junction where there is a change in the hue of the skin from a pink to white, respectively.

Then the incision follows into the ear so that it is not visible. Next, it hugs the junction of the earlobe with the lateral cheek prior to extending to the back of the ear. Finally, it curves around onto the posterior hairline.

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Face lift and neck

Neck Lift Incisions

Neck lift incisions must be positioned strategically to provide the capacity to remove redundant skin, leverage to pull up on the neck skin, yet be hidden from direct view. They must avoid all tension along the hairline to avoid injury to hair follicles that might result in hair loss.

Neck lift incisions must follow the natural curves of the hairline and the ear in areas where they are exposed. Incisions must be hidden when possible such as going into the tragus (focal prominence in the front of the ear) and be hidden behind the ear in the naturally occurring gulley. When neck lifts are properly placed and repaired without undue tension, they will fade with time and be invisible to the naked eye.

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facelift surgery front view

Facelift Surgery Video

A facelift surgery video will help you appreciate the importance of the SMAS layer undermining and lifting maneuver in the dual plane SMAS facelift procedure. The SMAS is an eponym for the superficial muscular aponeurosis system, which is a soft tissue layer below the skin.

Recent advances in facelift surgery have demonstrated superior outcomes that are only achieved when this layer is incorporated into the facelift procedure using a dual plane, skin, and SMAS undermining and lift maneuver.

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facelift patient 4 front view

Facelift Side Effects

Facelift side effects are most often observed following skin only facelifts yet avoided following SMAS facelift. These deformities include:

  1. The windblown effect
  2. The Joker’s face
  3. Prominent facial scars
  4. Scar migration onto the neck
  5. Pixie ear deformity
  6. Lumpy facial contour
  7. Skin recoil and sagging recurrence

Windblown Effect

The windblown effect relates to the excessive pull that is placed on the lateral eyes resulting in the shape of the eyes becoming narrowed and pulled. Some characterize the appearance of the eyelids as “Mongolian” in appearance.

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