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Is Breast Lift Safe, CPSI.

Is Breast Lift Safe?

s breast lift safe? A breast lift is a safe and popular procedure to revive once youthful and perky breasts. Newport Beach breast lift surgery is indicated for patients who have adequate breast volume but whose breast mounds have dropped due to the aging process. Naturally, as a woman’s breasts age, there is a tendency for the breast mounds and nipples to droop.

Depending on the level of drooping and/or sagging of the breast tissues may look natural and aesthetically pleasing; however, when the breast tissues and nipples fall below the inframammary crease, the under breast crease meeting the abdomen, then the beauty and aesthetic of the breast shape can be compromised.

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Which breast lift do I need, CPSI.

Which Breast Lift Type Do I Need

There are 3 major breast lift types that each have pros and cons: a periocular lift or donut lift, a traditional mastopexy, and a vertical mastopexy. A donut lift is desirable for patients who fear a breast lift scar. Unfortunately, this surgery often delivers a suboptimal lift and is limited in the amount of skin it can excise. The traditional breast lift is able to remove large skin volumes and includes 3 different excisions.

The issue with that design is it does not allow for a simultaneous implant augmentation so if you are looking for a breast lift and decide you also need more volume, this breast lift is not ideal for you. Finally there is a vertical mastopexy that allows for good lifting volumes as well as a simultaneous implant if needed.

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Breast Lift With Implant Augmentation Beverly Hills, CPSI

Breast Lift with Implant Augmentation Beverly Hills

A breast lift with implant augmentation in Beverly Hills is an extremely sought after the plastic surgery procedure. Beverly Hills comes with a high aesthetic standard so patients looking for breast lift augmentation in Beverly Hills seek this high standard and do extensive research to achieve it. As such, it is critical to understand what to look for when researching the hundreds of plastic surgeons in the Beverly Hills area. 

As with any breast lift with implant augmentation, creating symmetric breasts by lifting them and choosing the correct implant size and shape is the primary concern for breast lift with implant Beverly Hills patients.

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Breast Lift Surgery

Breast Lift with Implant Augmentation to Correct Congenital Breast Deformity

Congenital breast deformity is a rare developmental deformity that results in a severely asymmetric breast appearance. This is possible because there is an embryogenic line dividing between the right and left breast which leads to independent development throughout puberty. Learn more on how is breast lift with implant augmentation to correct congenital breast deformity.

As such, many of our patients of breast lift with implant augmentation to congenital breast deformities are younger females.

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A woman's breasts before and after breast augmentation surgery.

Breast Augmentation Revision Surgery

Breast implants may require removal if the patient wishes to have larger breasts following initial augmentation. When you are younger and thinner, a particular implant size may be appropriate.

However, as you age and gain weight, your breasts may not appear as large as they once had. Interestingly, as patients get into their elder years, they often desire to downsize their implant size since they are tired of carrying the weight of the implants for decades.

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Breast Lift with Implant to Correct Nipple Position Asymmetry

Breast Lift with Implant to Correct Nipple Position Asymmetry

Nipple position is among the top concerns for patients interested in any breast surgery. A poor nipple position not only ruins your breast symmetry and overall appearance, but it also gives you an unnatural appearance that all plastic surgery patients want to avoid. A breast lift with implant to correct nipple position asymmetry may be a good choice.

While most patients would love to avoid incision lines during breast surgery, any surgery intended to correct nipple position asymmetry will require a breast lift.

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A woman's breasts before and after Breast Lift surgery.

Breast Lift with Implants Cost

A breast lift with implants cost is determined by several factors that include the surgeons’ fee, anesthesia fee, facility fee, and cost of the implants. The first three factors are most affected by the time required to do a breast lift and simultaneous breast implant augmentation.

At our facility, we perform a simultaneous breast lift with implants in less than 3 hours. This equates to one and a half hours of surgical time per breast.

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Breast Lift With Implant Augmentation To Decrease Areola Size, CPSI.

Breast Lift With Implant Augmentation To Decrease Areola Size

When it comes to overall breast appearance, the nipple-areola is often the first thing people see, similar to the nose on a face. As such, areola size is a crucial component to every breast surgery and must be treated as such by your plastic surgeon. A breast lift with implant augmentation allows a plastic surgeon to not only correct the breast size and shape but also decrease areola size. 

As we age, the effects of our skin stretching, the gravity and sagging pressure of the soft tissue will stretch and enlarge the areolas. Additionally, a breast augmentation with implants may also stretch the areola both acutely and chronically in time.

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Breast Lift With Implant Augmentation To Correct Breast Deformity, CPSI

Breast Lift with Implant Augmentation to Correct Breast Deformity

Breast lift with implant augmentation to correct breast deformity is the ideal surgery to correct most breast deformities. Why breast lift with implant augmentation allows for the ideal procedure to correct breast deformity is multifold. 

First, the breast lift allows your surgeon to reposition the overall breast mound to a new, virgin territory. This is especially true if the breast mound is not only sagging but scarred and contracted. Often this tissue is no longer workable as the soft tissues have become stiff, fibrosis, and not malleable.

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Breast Lift With Implant Augmentation Newport Beach

Breast Lift with Implant Augmentation Newport Beach

In the plastic surgery industry, there are few cities that match the sheer volume of options that Newport Beach, California offers. A breast lift with implant augmentation in Newport Beach comes with a aesthetic high standard that matches the culture of the city.

The density of plastic surgeons in the area results in a concerted effort by many of the Newport Beach plastic surgeons to maintain an online presence to capture the high volume of potential patients in the area.

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