Breast Lift and Augmentation Reviews

breast lift and augmentation patient 19 front view
breast lift and augmentation patient 19 front right view

Please see this 59-year-old female who has achieved excellent results and written wonderful breast lift and augmentation reviews for SurgiSculpt.

A breast lift and augmentation review can be very helpful when determining whether your desired surgeon has the expertise to perform simultaneous breast lift and implant placements. A breast lift and augmentation reviews are helpful because the combination of breast lift and implant augmentation surgery is more complex than performing either surgery independently.

What makes simultaneous breast lift and augmentation procedures more technical is that the two surgeries counter each other. The breast lift results in a tighter skin envelope by trimming the ptotic skin and lifting the nipple-areola. In contrast, breast augmentation stretches the skin by placing a large implant in the breast. When performing a breast lift and augmentation simultaneously, it becomes critical to gauge both the skin tightening of the lift and the stretching of the skin by the implant. The surgical techniques of both independent surgeries must be modified based on the degree of breast lift required and the desired breast volume. Whereas the breast lift component is more standardized, the breast size desired can be more subjective. Breast augmentation procedures, when done in an isolated fashion, are not as constrained by the breast implant size, whereas a simultaneous breast lift and implant augmentation do require considerations of the degree of breast lift needed as well as the amount of breast tissue present.

Careful surgical design ensures a successful outcome with an aesthetically pleasing result. Prospective breast patients are encouraged to view before and after photographs with a critical eye and read breast lift and augmentation reviews. During your initial consultation, our surgeons will complete a medical history and evaluate your breasts for breast cup size, excess skin, and any breast asymmetry. In addition, actual patients will be reviewed for the entire process, including planning for surgery, instructions for the day of surgery, and preparation for postoperative recovery.

Although sporadic negative reviews will be observed for any doctor, the overall consensus of reviews will help you navigate and choose the most adept surgeon. Reviews should be read with a critical eye.

Criticizing Breast Lift and Augmentation Reviews

Please pay close attention to the review content that comments on surgical results rather than the fussy patient who is upset that she could not afford the surgery or the entitled patient who is unwilling to wait for the doctor. Use your judgment to consider before and after photographs, reviews, and the doctors’ personalities to choose your ideal breast surgeon.

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